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mississippi state record channel catfish

Cronley's cat also betters the state record blue caught by any . Steven Henson. Adults range in size from less than a pound to hundreds of pounds. (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation image) New York Catfish Records. . Weight . Ken Paulie holds his world record flathead catfish. Written by Kendle in Fishing Advice. Richardson landed the 39 -inch long fish from the rocks on the west bank of the Mississippi River. His fish is 30 pounds heavier than the next biggest. Oh they do show some interesting info, 20% of the record channel catfish have been caught in the last 5 years, 28% of the record flatheads have been caught in the last 5 years, and 30% of the record blue cats have been caught in the last 5 years. Catfish Management in North Carolina's Southeastern Rivers. A man caught a 131-pound blue catfish almost 5 feet long that broke the Mississippi state record and could be a world record. The channel catfish is an exciting sport fish and tasty table fare that is becoming increasingly popular with Minnesota anglers. NATCHEZ, Miss. . All-time records are posted until broken. The state record blue catfish came out of the Mississippi River. This fish was caught on April 7, 2022 on a rod and reel. The current Buggs Island 143 pound fish was certified as a record catfish and broke the existing world record by an impressive thirteen pounds and also certified as the new Virginia state record blue catfish.. Mississippi Angler Smashes State Record With 131-Pound Blue Catfish Eugene Cronley broke a state record that had stood for 25 years. The "big cat" measured 31.9 inches and weighed 15 pounds, 12.8 ounces, according to a Fish and Game Facebook post. Mississippi River. Date. That fish weighed 51 pounds, 12 ounces. 7.28 Thai Brendan Hoang Mississippi River September 2022 Angler Eugene Cronley of Brandon, Mississippi caught a 131-pound blue catfish in the lower Mississippi River near Natchez, Mississippi. In many areas across the US, channel catfish are held in high esteem among anglers. Native to the Mississippi Basin, channel catfish have been introduced throughout the United States. There are over 3,000 species of catfish in the world, with quite distinct ones such as the African electric catfish, which can stun a human up to 450 volts, and the walking catfish.The largest catfish in North America is the Mississippi river catfish, the blue catfish.. Mississippi: 51 lbs 12 oz: Tom Edwards: Lake Tom Bailey, Toomsuba: May 31, 1997: Missouri: 29 lbs 14 oz: Monte B. Hoover: Farm Pond: Jul 28, 1974: Montana: 38.75 lbs: John D . ESPN's "College GameDay" is in Jackson, Mississippi, to see Deion Sanders' Jackson State football program face Southern in a key SWAC matchup. Additional Information. Biology and Culture of Channel Catfish C.S. The previous Mississippi state record was 95 pounds (43.09 kilograms), and it has been broken just thirteen years after it . 06/01/2021. Eric Scordo used a nightcrawler to catch New York's record for channel catfish. Mr. Cronley said that it took him forty minutes to land the huge fish, "it is truly a fish of a lifetime." The Mississippi Department of Wildlife certified the catch as a new state record blue catfish. April 12, 2022 12:01 pm ET A Mississippi angler has shattered the state record for blue catfish after a 40-minute fight with what he described as "a fish of a lifetime." Eugene Cronley, of. Caught using 30-pound test line, it may also be a line class world record. Halley's trotline record is the second state-record blue catfish caught on the Mississippi near Natchez this year. The department classifies fishing records into three categories: rod and reel, trophy and fly fishing. Cronley and the trophy record 101 pound blue catfish caught in 1997 by Freddie Parker and Brad Smith were all caught in the . In addition to the Mississippi state record, the 131-pound fish could be a world record for blue catfish caught using 30-pound test line. 20.30 Emile Charvet IV Harvey Outfall January. The Record Channel Catfish For Every State In America The Channel Catfish is one of America's most popular gamefish. Jim Winters Pool 9, Mississippi River Black Bullhead May 30, 2022 Facebook; Twitter; Instagram; Pinterest; YouTube; MENU MENU Channel catfish grow well in ponds with few disease problems when stocked at no more than 100 to 150 per acre. To control unwanted reproduction, stock these ponds with 25 largemouth bass per acre to eat any small catfish that hatch in . LOUISIANA STATE FISH RECORDS Species: CATFISH, CHANNEL (Ictalurus punctatus) Species Separation 1994 Rank Weight Angler Where Caught Date Caught 1. Monster Mississippi Catfish Sets Record - Videos from The Weather Channel Monster Mississippi Catfish Sets Record May 7, 2022 A Mississippi angler caught a record-setting blue. The ginormous blue catfish broke the previous "rod and reel" record set in 2009 by Dakota Hinson, who caught a 95-pound catfish. Bonne Terre, MO. . mississippi-river-catfish-guide 2/6 Downloaded from on October 26, 2022 by . Experts say the fish, a Mekong giant catfish, was around 170 years old and . Eugene Cronley of Brandon caught a. The state record channel catfish was caught from Lake Tom Bailey. The current pole-and-line record for blue catfish, weighing an even 103 pounds, was caught in the Missouri River by Clarence Kerr of Fairfax in 1991. A Mississippi man has broken a 1997 record for the state's heaviest catfish. NATCHEZ, Miss. Here is my original post from 2004: The information on this record is kind of sketchy. . Pierre Rebollar // Shutterstock. Cronley was fishing in a 90-foot hole when his rod bowed over. Wes Neal. Flatheads, another. Channel: 38-0, Mississippi River, 2/16/1975; Flathead: 70-0, St. Croix River, 1970; . Angler. Channel catfish are known for their strong sense of smell, spunky attitude, and delicious flavor. The state record channel catfish was caught from Baldwin Lake. The two major catfish-producing areas in Mississippi are 1) a relatively well-defined geographical area of the Mississippi River alluvial valley in northwest Mississippi that is commonly referred to as the "Delta" and 2) a less well-defined area of east-central Mississippi. It was also larger than the trophy record, caught by Freddie. A lifelong fisherman in Mississippi has smashed a state record after catching a "monster" catfish weighing in at 131lbs (59.4 kilograms). . Hometown. A Mississippi man has broken a 1997 record for the state's heaviest catfish. The state record flathead catfish came from the Mississippi River. The state has a new record for a channel catfish catch. The giant fish was caught on April 7, 2022, from the Mississippi River near Natchez, Mississippi. 30.31 Harold W. Clubb Minor's Can./Intracoastal August 1977 *2. . State-record channel cat caught in Mississippi River M.A. Cronley was fishing near Natchez when he caught the fish, which shattered the previous Mississippi state record by 36 pounds. Weight: 143 pounds Length: 57 Inches Girth: 47 Inches Nick Anderson, a high school football coach from Greenville North Carolina was on a father and son fishing trip (yes it was Father . "We had to untie the boat and float down the river. NATCHEZ, Miss. The outer margin of the anal fin is rounded outward (convex) rather than straight. According to CBS News, this enormous Mississippi River catfish turned out to be a blue catfish. RANDY CONOVER Des Moines River (Red Rock to Ottumwa) Bigmouth Buffalo Apr 18, 2007 - 64.38 lbs. Christopher Halley of Brookhaven set a new Mississippi state record for blue catfish in the Trophy Division with a 104-pounder he caught in the Mississippi River. 0:58 Catfish, especially blue catfish, can grow to enormous sizes. CNTRYBOY Registered Eugene Cronley of Brandon caught a new state record blue catfish weighing 131 pounds. State Record Channel Catfish (23 lbs, 5 oz., on 9/22/2020 by John Stone) Videos. A Mississippi man has broken a 1997 record for the state's heaviest catfish. Commercial catfish production generates over 27 percent of the value of aquaculture production in the United States. Mr. Cronley said that it took him forty minutes to land the huge fish, "it is truly a fish of a lifetime." In Minnesota, they are common in the Minnesota River, Mississippi River, St. Croix River and the Red River of the North. Channel: 35-3, Eric Scordo, Lake Ontario, 4/29/17; Waking up to a giant. Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks announced the cat's record weight of 131 pounds was officially certified on Apr. It is important to prevent catfish from spawning because of potential crowding and disease problems. Never say never, but that 38lb record might hold forever. Channel Catfish are harvested by commercial fishermen extensively from the Mississippi River. Tucker 2004-09-30 The history of . Christopher Halley caught a 104-pound blue catfish Tuesday using a trotline on the. According to the Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks, Halley's blue catfish record isn't the first set in Mississippi this year. Jackson - Dakota Hinson didn't just have a good day on the Mississippi River, he had a record breaking day. It looks like catfish records are being broken pretty much every year somewhere. It was caught on 20-pound test Berkley Big Game line and a Gamakatsu 7/0 Octopus circle hook. August 10, 2022 at 12:26 pm CDT. Christopher Halley caught a 104-pound blue catfish Tuesday using a trotline on the Mississippi River near Natchez . State Record Channel Catfish for All 50 States. Mississippi has a new state record catfish, weighing 131 pounds. Christopher Halley caught a 104-pound blue catfish Tuesday using a trotline on the Mississippi River near Natchez. Eugene Cronley's Mississippi state record blue catfish . State Record Fish - Current Records Bighead Carp May 28, 2018 - 112.00 lbs. Channel Catfish Updated Oct 21, 2022 - Weight: 51 lbs 12 oz . Channel catfish swim in ponds, rivers, lakes, and creeks making them accessible to anglers across the country. 11. Sources: The fish, which was believed to be roughly 22 years old, had recently eaten a bigmouth buffalo. The catfish weighed in at 736 lbs. The Mississippi state record is 95 pounds and was caught in the Mississippi River near Natchez. Thumbnail. + see more - show less. A Mississippi man has broken a 1997 record for the state's heaviest catfish. NATCHEZ, Miss. Earlier in the year, someone reeled in a 131-pound catfish with a rod. Mpls in February 1975. Who knows, maybe on the April Fools get together somebody may haul in a new state record - nobody would believe it especially if it was caught on April 1st. Paulie's May 1998 catch, however, is not without its share of controversy. Thousands of big channel cats have been documented through this contest in the past 15 years and 4023 (est 28lbs) has been the biggest MN channel cat ever entered. Whaley in 1964. Minnesota Catfish Records. Demand for farm-raised catfish is strong, with record processing years in 2002 and 2003. A Mississippi man has broken a 1997 record for the state's heaviest catfish. Natchez State Park Lake - Record set by Anthony Denny in 1992. Christopher Halley caught a 104-pound blue catfish Tuesday using . On April 7, 2022, a new record-holding Mississippi River catfish was reeled out of the river. The huge fish was 55 inches long and 41 inches in girth. Richardson landed the 39 -inch long fish from the rocks on the west bank of the Mississippi River. Stacker compiled a list of record fish caught in Mississippi using data from Land Big Fish. The fish is larger than the trophy record blue catfish of 101 pounds caught by the team of Freddie Parker and Brad Smith in 1997. In 22 chapters written by active scientists in the field, Biology and . The simple fact that Ken Paulie caught a 123 pound, 60+ inch flathead catfish is mighty impressive. The 131-pound (59.42 kilograms) catfish took angler Eugene Cronley forty minutes to reel in. Cronley was a little more than 10lbs shy of the . "He hit the rod and started pulling drag," Cronley said. About 400,000 pounds of Channel Catfish valued at nearly $250,000 are harvested from the Mississippi each year. The Mississippi River is home to one of the largest species of freshwater fish in the state, blue catfish. Pole and line: Gar: Longnose. Fish pictured are not the actual record catch. The state record blue catfish came out of the Mississippi River (Natchez). The Mississippi Department of Wildlife said Halley's catch was the second blue catfish state record broken this year. "This was a hobby until about three weeks ago," Richardson said. Recent stream sampling information is available from Iowa DNR's biological monitoring and assessment program. October 2017 *3. For you downtown Mpls catfisherman, the record channel was caught in N.E. They will generally eat anything that can get in their mouth. In fact, the 95-pound state record blue cat was caught in the Mississippi River, and in Louisiana it has produced three blue cats in excess of 100 pounds including the state record of 114 pounds. There are many species of catfish and even more ways to catch them. . Ronald Anderson Lake Manawa Black Buffalo Aug 14, 1999 - 63.38 lbs. Highly adaptable, they are found in ponds, streams, rivers, lakes and . A 35lb channel cat is a powerball number, and a 40lb is a rainbow unicorn. Eugene Cronley of Brandon caught a 131-pound blue catfish on April 7, 2022 from the Mississippi River, setting the new state record for the species. Longnose Gar Updated Oct 21, . The alternate-method record is a 117-pound giant from the Osage River; that mark has stood since 1974. Channel catfish can be found in large and small rivers, lakes and ponds. It was caught on cut shad near Adams County. Most Popular Bass Lures The state record flathead catfish came from Carlyle Lake. . In some western states, they are commonly called "grace." Tom Edwards caught the Mississippi state record from Lake Tom Bailey in May 1997. On April 7, Eugene Cronley crushed the rod-and-reel record for blue catfish with a 131-pound blue that beat the previous record by 36 pounds. Caught on live bait using an Okuma reel paired with an Ugly Stick rod and an Addya hook, the beast smashed the existing record by more than 3 pounds. The 10-year-old Natchez resident caught a 95-pound blue catfish to beat the old state record by two pounds. The previous record, caught in 2009, weighed 95 pounds. Christopher Halley caught a 104-pound blue catfishTuesday using a trotline on the Mississippi. The world record tipped the scales at 58 pounds and was caught in South Carolina's Lake Moultrie by W.H. On April 30, he achieved a long-held dream of breaking the New York state record for channel catfish when he boated a massive 35.25-pounder from Lake Ontario's Chaumont Bay. Most catfish are considered bottom feeders to one extent or another. MDC has developed the State Record Fish Program to acknowledge and honor anglers who have caught the largest recorded fish from a list of recognized species found in Missouri waters. The boot was a size 37 and there is only one man with a size 37 boot, Robert Wadlow. Eugene Cronley's Mississippi state record blue catfish weighed 131 . The channel and blue catfish both have a deeply forked tail fin, but the channel catfish can be distinguished by the following: It has scattered dark spots on the back and sides (the spots are often absent, however, in the smallest young and in large adults). According to the state, Cronley's blue cat eclipses the previous rod and reel record catch of 95-pounds made by Dakota Hinson in 2009. The US, channel catfish can be found in ponds, streams, rivers, lakes, and flavor. 28, 2018 - 112.00 lbs table fare that is becoming increasingly popular with Minnesota anglers state, blue.... 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