Preposterous definition, completely contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; utterly foolish; absurd; senseless: a preposterous tale. 2) The whole idea was preposterous. 23. 21. synonyms. How to use preposterous in a sentence is shown in this page. Jafar Panahi is one of the most acclaimed film directors in the world. The popularity of American situation comedies rely on their preposterous antics. Adjective How preposterous of us to believe you. ART. Related terms for preposterous- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with preposterous. The president thinks teachers should carry guns in schools, which is just preposterous. See more. 8. - Don Woodsmall Found on FOX News Log in. It would be preposterous to shovel coal with a teaspoon. . The adjective preposterous is from Latin praeposterus, meaning reversed, inverted, perverted, distorted, absurd, unreasonable, etc.. What is an example of preposterous? ; It is stunning to see the preposterous lengths some analysts will go to rewrite history. They are asking a preposterous price for the work. Learn using Preposterous Sentence Examples and Meaning. 35. How to use Reputable in a sentence. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. 24. ( 1991) As preposterous ideas go, a rave on a plane takes the disco biscuit. Thesaurus for Preposterous. 2012-02-01 19:23:52 . Quotes about preposterous . Compound Sentences with "preposterous" A compound sentence with "preposterous" contains at least two independent clauses. Home; Words; preposterous; preposterous in A Sentence. What is an example of preposterous? He is preposterous in the face of a landscape like this. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. preposterous: 1 adj incongruous;inviting ridicule "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history" Synonyms: absurd , cockeyed , derisory , idiotic , laughable , ludicrous , nonsensical , ridiculous foolish devoid of good sense or judgment 5. Lists. That's a preposterous excuse! 0. I said it was preposterous, but that made him even angrier. Toggle navigation fatLingo . They greet strangers with preposterous speech. Dictionary Thesaurus Sentences Examples Knowledge Grammar; Biography . " . A dumpy coloratura soprano, her voice . Find all the antonyms of the word preposterous presented in a simple and clear manner. . Market-led Strategic Change. . 2. preposterous: [adjective] contrary to nature, reason, or common sense : absurd. The example sentence with 'PREPOSTEROUS' is from "Fellow Female Entrepreneurs: It's Partly Our Own Fault That Male Entrepreneurs Earn More". Preposterous sentence example. Preposterous sentence example. There are 7 example sentences for preposterous. Home. 28 Oct 2022 04:37:47 13 examples of preposterous in a sentence- how to use it in a sentence. 4) They are asking a preposterous price for the work. Check the meaning of preposterous. Preposterous sentence example. The State Department labeled the allegation " preposterous." Ms . Advertisement. Translations in context of "PREPOSTEROUS" in english-french. That's not a preposterous concept, and with yet another cycle passing without this included, you have to wonder if there is some validity to those suspicions. Hoover's attorney calls the government's case preposterous. A sentence using the word preposterous? 25. How do you use the word preposterous? (It is a logical possibility.) The screenplay (by Roberto Orci, Alex Kurtzman, and Damon Lindelof) is baroque and preposterous, with plot holes big enough to drive a Constitution class cruiser through. Simple Sentences with "preposterous" A simple sentence with "preposterous"contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. why you shouldn t buy a new book on. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. Preposterous sentence example But for now, I want to leave you with a preposterous thought: In the future, a new Mercedes Benz will cost just $50. He said as much to everyone in the cafe as they enjoyed an evening pastis, and endured their ridicule at this preposterous idea. We still have to wait to see what we . Absurd . But he reminds us of the astringent truth that the preposterous has no trouble cohabiting with the malevolent. Where is the word preposterous from? Sentence examples for. Preposterous Sentence Examples. Objective: Writing definitions, synonyms, and sentences based on context clues Activity IV Objective: Demonstrating an understanding of a word's meaning by completing sentences Students will be able to explain their sentence completions by referring to passages in . This may sound preposterous, but let us consider it for a moment. . Wiki User. That is a preposterous accusation! . You have any idea how Preposterous that sounds? Sentence Examples. 4. Preposterous sentence example But for now, I want to leave you with a preposterous thought: In the future, a new Mercedes Benz will cost just $50. The "Hollow Earth" theory is just preposterous! And even when she's pulled up on it, she tries to finish her sentence! 5. It sounds preposterous, or else he succeeds all too well. Utterly preposterous. And even when she's pulled up on it, she tries to finish her sentence! This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning. 1. Sentence Examples for preposterous. Preposterous Sentence Examples. exact ( 2 ) Pinned to the walls are magazine cuttings and computer printouts of people in what she calls "preposterous" positions: society ladies in ball gowns making breakfast, actresses who are completely naked except for a designer handbag and costume jewellery. Preposterous as a adjective means Contrary to nature, reason, or common sense; absurd.. Preposterous in a sentence. 3. Below are sample sentences containing the word "preposterous" from the English Dictionary. 20. An example of a preposterous idea is that the world is flat. 32 books anyone who wants to succeed should read inc. what is the cheapest way to mail Post navigation. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Preposterous meaning and usage. As for literary criticism in general: I have long felt that any reviewer who expresses rage and loathing for a novel or a play or a poem is preposterous. ( 2016) It sounds preposterous and probably is, but he may do one day. Opposite of marked by humor or something that motivates laughter. Morgenson called the amount " preposterous." And for people to make something out of nothing is preposterous. preposterous positions. It's a cliche-ridden, preposterous mess, full of ludicrously obvious plot holes. Should you use possibility in a sentence? Definition for preposterous: Sentence for preposterous: . Meanings Synonyms Sentences Forfar seems to have played a less reputable part in the persecution of witches. But for now, I want to leave you with a preposterous thought: In the future, a new Mercedes Benz will cost just $50. #bbcqt . The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have . Utterly preposterous. She has been working on that project for well over two weeks. A. antonyms. It seems preposterous that Bruce did not know we were there. What is a sentence for preposterous? "There were serious undertones to the film may have initially seemed playful and innocent.". preposterous meaning in the cambridge english dictionary. 1. But for now, I want to leave you with a preposterous thought: In the future, a new Mercedes Benz will cost just $50. . Find 57 ways to say PREPOSTEROUS, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. I know homeopathy sounds preposterous in its basic concept - the smaller the dose, the more powerful the treatment. The casino mogul has said it was " preposterous " that he would assault a woman. The adjective preposterous is from Latin praeposterus, meaning reversed, inverted, perverted, distorted, absurd, unreasonable, etc. Learn more. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. 9780805065121 strasser. Times, Sunday Times. That is the kind of preposterous sentence that a critic sometimes finds herself writing from the Cannes Film Festival, where Mr. Pattison's new movie, "Good Time," is in competition. from inspiring English sources. What do you mean by anticipation? preposterous sentences in Hindi. All Words. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. 28 Oct 2022 14:14:20 The whole idea was preposterous. preposterous meaning: 1. very silly or stupid: 2. very silly or stupid: 3. completely unreasonable and ridiculous; not. What's a sentence for preposterous? 12. But for now, I want to leave you with a preposterous thought: In the future, a new Mercedes Benz will cost just $50. . MOVIES & TV. 3) That's a preposterous excuse! 9. Look at how quickly she tries to skip past it. 1 : excitement about something that's going to happen She looked forward to the trip with anticipation. These two independent . 23. SCIENCE. He knew his world too well to make preposterous mental demands upon it. Since it involves repeating movements, raking leaves is such a monotonous task. How to use Preposterous in a Sentence. How preposterous is used in sentences? Top 100. Piercy, Nigel. HERE are many translated example sentences containing "PREPOSTEROUS" - english-french translations and search engine for english translations. ; It's a preposterous claim that the government is trying to . In love, no question is ever preposterous. Click for more examples 1. The rules do allow for a protest or a delay at what was an absolutely preposterous allegation. What is the opposite of preposterous? Preposterous sentence example. The new laws are preposterous and will not solve the real crime issue. The idea that I need this to make myself feel better is preposterous. A preposterous notion of hers, that unfitness. Sentences with preposterous . Even though the plan sounds preposterous, I think it can be done. Times, Sunday Times. What is a good sentence for preposterous? In view of all this, . 1. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "preposterous", or refer to the context using the word "preposterous" in the English Dictionary. It's difficult to see preposterous in a sentence . Her hope had been to escape loneliness, but with this preposterous secret, she was lonelier than she had ever . 1. . Only months ago, such a result would have seemed preposterous. preposterous: See: excessive , exorbitant , impossible , inappropriate , incredible , inept , inordinate , irrational , ludicrous , outrageous , prohibitive . You understand, a preposterous donkey! synonyms. An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression . In view of all this, the notion that the war with Iraq had nothing to do with oil is simply preposterous . 53+2 sentence examples: 1. 2 : the act of preparing for something. Lists. ; It is preposterous to attribute to mere external conditions. Definition of Preposterous. After the third quarter of the boring basketball game, all of the players' actions seemed monotonous to me. I am stronger than him, so I should be able to beat him. 6. Because Marvin was angry at his wife, he gave only monotonous responses to her questions. Ziba said that their search for justice has not finished, and that news of the sentence has spurred them on. His idea of selling dead bugs for big money is totally preposterous! sentences. Admirers like myself were horrified and astonished at the news, announced yesterday, that Jafar Panahi had been sentenced not only to six years in prison, but to an unimaginable twenty-year total ban on all his artistic activitiesincluding film making, script writing, traveling outside the country and speaking with the . contrary to nature, reason, or common sense. Where is the word preposterous from? The definition of preposterous is something that is absurd or ridiculous. 8. how to find the value of old books howstuffworks. preposterous definition: 1. very silly or stupid: 2. very silly or stupid: 3. completely unreasonable and ridiculous; not. What's a sentence for preposterous? thesaurus "About as preposterous as an alien city" "At first blush, that would seem a preposterous proposition" "Because it's too preposterous to even dignity with an answer" RT @a_toots: Call me cynical, but I think @lucyfrazermp was genuinely hoping to get away with this absurd "we have 40 new hospitals" comment. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples #bbcqt . Examples of Preposterous in a sentence. What's the definition of Preposterous in thesaurus? Look at how quickly she tries to skip past it. Preposterous definition: If you describe something as preposterous , you mean that it is extremely unreasonable. The SPLC leadership's own history is one of racism, misogyny and spreading hate, including an extremist attack on the Family Research Center, the notion that haters of the truth can be fit judges of who is or is not a 'hater' is preposterous, and the sooner people stop taking these far-left loons seriously the better. use "preposterous" in a sentence The review gave something of a backhanded compliment when it said that Christie "gives a sense of plausibility to the most preposterous situations and developments." He went on further to say that the remainder of the band is "not going to continue recording or touring," saying this "would be preposterous" The very idea is preposterous! 1. It is preposterous to link the demise of the Western Civ narrative to the rise of authoritarianism. These calls , say Pakistani officials , were traced to a number of " high-ranking " Indian officials , a charge the India has termed " preposterous " . . As they came closer, he realized this preposterous fact. The whole idea sounds absolu The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. This may seem pretty preposterous, until you hear the pricing. 0. If you believe that preposterous story, then you are sure to believe my story about the dog that gave birth to a peacock. preposterous in a sentence words in a sentence. Kelley Currie supporting the CFU, reacted in a social media post that, "Dr. Gulshan Abbas was sentenced to 20 years in a sham trial, because her American family members are telling the truth about CCP gulags in Xinjiang .". Top 200. It was preposterous of them to think that I would pay their bill without questioning the added charges. Learn more. At a political moment like this one, no telemarketing hype is too preposterous. 22. reputable. (of an argument or statement) Opposite of not seeming reasonable or probable. ; It is a preposterous idea to build an actual wall to solve immigration issues. How preposterous is used in sentences? RT @a_toots: Call me cynical, but I think @lucyfrazermp was genuinely hoping to get away with this absurd "we have 40 new hospitals" comment. Examples of Monotonous in a sentence. Preposterous sentence examples:1.that number would be Preposterous in other countries.2.this Preposterous order roused the carthaginians from despair.3.this comment is absolutely Preposterous.4.perhaps you would have more success if your story were not so first glance the idea seems m In A definitions. Antonym definition. It sounded utterly preposterous but it led to a longer silence. The legend of an indecent consecration at the Nag . Preposterous sentence example. antonyms. More than 47,200 antonyms available on I'm glad to see plenty of letters expostulating about the preposterous piece in the newspaper. 3. It's a perfectly preposterous theory! The idea was so preposterous it was unlikely to have been invented. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. 2. 5) The very idea is preposterous! We can use should to say that something is probable because it is logical or normal. - Andr Brink, Before I Forget 2. Preposterous definitions. Preposterous questions were propounded by preposterous people. The idea of putting the army on an island is preposterous. Top 50. However, it contains only one independent clause. I know this is Preposterous. incongruous;inviting ridicule; "the absurd excuse that the dog ate his homework"; "that's a cockeyed idea"; "ask a nonsensical question and get a nonsensical answer"; "a contribution so small as to be laughable"; "it is ludicrous to call a cottage a mansion"; "a preposterous attempt to turn back the pages of history . 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