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what is your weakness in interview

Reliable. Interviewers ask, "What is your greatest weakness?" to understand whether you: Have self-awareness Can be open and honest about your shortcomings Pursue opportunities for self-improvement to combat weaknesses Your answer should show how you used a weakness as motivation to learn or grow. Examples of weaknesses to discuss in an interview. Leadership skills. Updated: Aug 23, 2022. 2.1 Answer strategically. Top 6 weaknesses declared in interviews Finding it hard to ask for help Lack of confidence in self Pay too much attention to detail Find keeping a work/life balance hard Get stressed if do not hit deadlines Struggle to say no to people Best ways to answer why you have one of the top 6 weaknesses Find it hard to ask for help Why the interviewer is asking this question: The interviewer is exploring three things in this one question: 1) whether you are self-aware; 2) whether you are honest; and 3) whether you seek to improve. Hide your strengths in the garb of a weakness. Avoid cliche or overused statements like: - I work too hard. This. I pay too much attention to details. What your answer should communicate Weaknesses are tricky to talk about, so you need to be careful when sharing examples of yours. 13. Whether you are open and honest about your shortcomings. It also highlights your strong work ethic and your dedication to your team. Additional comment actions. The strengths and weaknesses residency interview question is one of the most dreaded and most common. Every interview question is an opportunity to demonstrate your positive attributes including this one but that doesn't just mean turning weaknesses into strengths. If you find it tricky to assess your own personality, ask someone else to help. No one is perfect, and your willingness to discuss your weakness in a job interview demonstrates you know what skills or abilities you lack and are humble enough to own it. I am an excellent listener, can explain things in a simple way, and do not struggle to get my message over to a variety of audiences. In considering potential weaknesses worth discussing in an interview, many candidates drum up faults that are technically true but easily compartmentalized. 1. In other words, the weakness that you state as your answer must actually be a strength in a disguise. Your answer should certainly touch on professional weaknesses rather than personal ones, but try to . Numbers help reinforce the impact that your action had. By showing that you're aware of your weaknesses and are taking steps to improve, you can demonstrate to the hiring manager that you have a growth mindset and will be an asset to their team. The list below includes 70+ examples of weaknesses that have been used successfully in job interview. Pick an area that you're actively working on improving, with examples you can talk about. A 'suitable' weakness It needs to be authentic, acceptable for the job in question, and something that can be fixed. Sir my strength is I like to learn new things, am self-motivated, dedicated, and punctual I always work with a team and have leadership skill. Answer #1 "Numbers have not always been my strong suit. "My feedback isn't always constructive". However, it can also become a weakness if you spend too much time working out minute . Also that it's something that . 5. Here is a list of general weaknesses to help you get started thinking in the right direction: Time management / organization Working with a team Analyzing data / attention to detail Public speaking Giving or receiving constructive criticism Delegating responsibilities to others Leadership Interpersonal skills Written or verbal communication "I'm not yet confident with complex excel skills, only having a basic understanding of spreadsheets, but I'm a fast learner." 14. When I was still a student, I would work on my projects at the last minute and end up scrambling when the deadline comes. Accepting your weakness gives an indication of how open you are in taking some constructive criticism. [deleted] . Common weaknesses include: "I need to be more organized". According to our research, hiring managers at NHS ask soft skills interview questions 39% more than at other companies. It's also important to give a thoughtful response. Thinking about your own weaknesses is a humbling experience. This interview question gives you a chance to speak about your professional goals and your ability to reach them. Make a list of all your possible weaknesses. Whether you pursue self-improvement and growth opportunities to combat these issues, as opposed to letting these weaknesses hold you back. Below are some answers to what are your weaknesses. While being humble when working with others can be . In this scenario, you could answer the question about weaknesses in an interview like this: "I've always been on the design side of things and haven't had much experience with content development, so I'd say that's a weakness for me. Motivating and encouraging colleagues. Make a list of all your weaknesses 3. Positive. 2 Mistakes People Make When Answering "What Is Your Biggest Weakness?" When it comes to talking about a weakness in a job interview, candidates tend to fall into one of two traps: 1 They try to play up a skill that they think the employer would want to hear (i.e. Turn a negative into a positive. Instead, it may seem like you don't respect the question enough to give it serious thought. You should look out for weaknesses that can still be tweaked to sound positive. Make them laugh, then give a serious answer about an actual weakness you have (to show self-awareness), and qualify it by explaining how you offset it. I focus too much on the details Being detail-oriented is typically a good thing, but if you're someone who tends to spend too much time on the specifics of a project, it could also be considered a weakness. "I work too hard") 2 They get a little too honest about an actual weakness Here are eight examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: You focus too much on the details You have a difficult time letting go of a project You have trouble saying no You get impatient when projects run beyond the deadline You lack confidence You have trouble asking for help To answer "what is your greatest weakness," directly identify your weakness and expand on it by providing relevant context. Fortunately, as a copywriter, I can focus most of my time on the creative process of writing. No matter what skill you decide to highlight in your answer, just make sure that it's applicable to the job and the company and that you have a truthful and solid example to back it up. This kind of weakness is comfortable to share. Now, working in high-pressure environments, time management, presentation skills, punctuality are some of the top skills required in a B-School. Never mention those skills as your weaknesses during the interview. These answers will undoubtedly give a good glimpse of a complete lack of self-awareness, dishonesty, and an incredible ego. Experiencing a lack of confidence can sometimes cause inefficiencies in your work. Choose a weakness that relates to the position that you're applying for, but not something that might immediately disqualify you for the role. For example, you have a bad memory, so you take notes a lot and keep an organised diary/schedule to compensate. Weakness: I always see my strength because I am always busy in my dedication. "What is your weakness?" In the what is your weakness answer you must not say- I am too much concerned about my work. Here are some weaknesses that you might select from for your response: Self-critical Insecure Disorganized Prone to procrastination Uncomfortable with public speaking Uncomfortable with delegating tasks Risk-averse Competitive Sensitive/emotional Extreme introversion or extroversion Limited experience in a particular skill or software Every person has weaknesses that show up in their professional life. 12 Example Answers to 'What Are Your Weaknesses?' 1. Team Player. Remember, that by asking the weakness question, the interviewer is trying to gain a deeper understanding of you as a person and whether you would make a good addition to the company. Otherwise, it may come across as a way to hide something. My biggest weakness is not having prior experience with a big bank. Some examples of weaknesses include: Afraid to ask questions Disorganized Inability to balance workload Introvert Lack of confidence Limited experience Overly competitive Poor communicator Poor delegation skills Procrastinator Self-critical Uncomfortable with public speaking Tendency to take on more responsibility than you can handle Explain how you're striving to improve on your weakness. The first step is to give your honest answer (like we mentioned earlier, it's perfectly normal to have some flaws). Ask yourself these 5 crucial questions 5. If you've got these three qualities, your weakness won't ruin your chances of landing the job. For this reason, it's best to choose weaknesses that will not impact your ability to succeed in the role. Your attitude matters more for the interviewers than the actual strengths and weaknesses. Timid in certain contexts Sample answer "I can feel timid when providing feedback to others. And depending on the employer, discussing your weaknesses can also give the hiring manager an idea of where they might need to provide you extra support. Start Here http://danlok-shop.dan. When asked about your weaknesses, a good answer has two important parts: Briefly describe a real weakness that wouldn't be a major handicap for the job. When answering a what is your weakness interview question you have to remember that the interviewer is looking for something authentic and genuine. That's because the question provides an opportunity to show off traits employers are very often looking for, like honesty, work ethic, flexibility . Here is the list of weaknesses you can mention: I have difficulty giving feedback to my peers I'm not a natural public speaker I tend to get caught up in details I have trouble delegating tasks I have a hard time letting go of a project I can have trouble asking for help I dislike confrontation I can seem overly straightforward 7 sample answers to "What are your strengths and weaknesses" question in a teacher job interview. The most common of these is public speaking. Of all the questions asked in an interview, the "what is your biggest weakness" inquiry is perhaps your best opportunity to demonstrate honesty, humbleness, and ironically, self-confidence. While discussing your weaknesses, you should describe in brief a real weakness that would not be a major handicap on the job, and then talk about your struggle to improve on it. Option 1: Discuss Non-Essential Skills One approach to answering this question is to analyze the key skills and strengths required for the position you are interviewing for and then come up with an honest shortcoming that is not essential for success in that job. This is my first job application, but I have all motivation in the world to learn from more experienced colleagues, and eventually become an excellent accountant. What are your weaknesses best answer? A good weakness for job interviews shows introspection and growth, without interfering with your capacity to be a gre at addition to the company. 2. It tells me you are someone who cares about the work that you do, and that you have very high standards. Yes, You Do Have a Real Weakness The absolute worst answer to this question is one of these: I'm a perfectionist. On the other hand, you should avoid answers like 'I don't have any weaknesses'. I am not very good with technology This is a good answer for those who are not interviewing for jobs that require proficiency with technology and systems. I am trying to measure the progress in intervals so that I can be effective enough while doing a task.". 12 Examples of Weaknesses for Your Job Interview - CV Nation For example, as a customer service advisor, it would be a bad idea to say your weakness is communication. As a hiring manager, this is the type of weakness I would respect in a job interview. Opportunities to grow interpersonal skills: Asking for support. You'll find many books and articles that advise you to "turn a negative into a positive" by sharing a supposed weakness that is actually a desirable quality in an employee. 2. Ask yourself "what are my weaknesses?" and make sure that your answer is credible and that you can reflect on your personal and professional performance. You do want your answer to be honest, but as . 1. And the same is true about nursing peer review. Coming up with solutions to problems. Get Dan Lok's World-Class Training Solutions to Grow Your Income, Influence and Wealth Today. You also don't want to come across as too arrogant and perfect, because almost nobody is. Source: The secret sauce of a good response to the greatest weakness question consists of 2 vital ingredients. Sharing responsibility. However, I'm a quick learner, and I believe I could improve my writing skills if I ever needed to . The trick is to not go into too much detail and avoid sounding defensive or overly negative. Rather than disguising a strength as a weakness, use this as an opportunity to address skills or personal characteristics you could improve. Here's a step-by-step guide for answering this common interview question: Choose a (somewhat) irrelevant weakness. Everyone has weaknesses but who wants to admit to them, especially in a job interview. Before any job interview, be ready to discuss your weakness (or weaknesses) honestly and authentically. "One of my biggest weaknesses is that I focus too much on perfection and details. 1) Identify and list all your weaknesses. This will help you make a good impression on . To properly answer this dreaded interview question, remember: Focus on being self-aware, honest, and dedicated to improvement. Remember this is only part of a good answer for the what are your weaknesses question. For example, you might feel too unqualified to speak up at an important meeting when your idea could help the team achieve a goal. I focus too much on the details Being 'detail-oriented' is typically a positive skill, but if you tend to spend too much time on the specifics of a project, it could also be considered a weakness. Hard Working. Doing so is a proof that you are aware of your weakness and are making efforts to correct it and be the best that you can be, therefore, your weakness would not be a . There are far more sophisticated ways to find out that information that reduce the probabilities that a job applicant will add their spin to the answer - which is exactly what I'm going to show you how to do! Tell me about yourself top question. What to say for weaknesses in an interview: When they are related to personality 01 Lack of patience is a major weakness of mine. - I am a perfectionist. Mold your responses in a fashion that your weaknesses too are perceived as strengths by the interviewers. Post your comments +22 -17 This shows that you are self-aware, have the drive to be your best and that your weakness will not slow you down. Strong People Skills. State your weakness. 1. If you're found to be by making something up that's completely false, there's a possibility you could be found out. This is your opportunity to show interviewers that you do not give up easily and that you can think of weaknesses as opportunities for growth. I work too hard. Source: 25+ example weaknesses for a job interview Here are some possible weaknesses you might focus on, but remember to be specific about how they apply to you when answering this question: Attention to all the small details Cold calling Confidence Decision-making Delegation Explanations of complex or technical topics Feedback acceptance Feedback delivery Even your interviewer! I'm a very hands-on person, and I like to be able to touch and feel things in order to understand them. Weaknesses in a job interview. This answer shows that you are aware of your weakness and that you are working to address it. Of course, I've earned my degree from . Here are a few examples of the best weaknesses to mention in an interview: 1. Going with a joke answer - like saying, "Chocolate cake is my greatest weakness" - isn't probably going to turn out like you hope. My greatest strengths are motivation and willingness to learn. "I could be better at dealing with numbers". This is the question where many interviewees somehow think it is permissible to lie, yet an experienced interviewer can nail someone in their . Compare your resume to the job description 2. - I am a workaholic. Discuss how you are working on your weakness "What is your greatest weakness" answer samples By asking you, "What is your greatest weakness?" the interviewer wants to find out: If you have a healthy level of self-awareness about yourself. Try to reflect on your real weaknesses and what you're doing to improve. Moderating difficult conversations at work. It usually comes out when I am working with teams that are slow or when a deadline is about to be missed. I never want to hurt anyone's feelings. My weakness is lack of experience. "I need to learn to delegate responsibility". Opportunities to grow workplace skills: Practicing active listening with colleagues. No comments yet. This should give you an idea of how to go about answering g yours when asked in an interview. No weakness is a showstopper in the interviews, as long as you show your willingness to improve on it. Lack of confidence is a common weakness, especially among entry-level candidates. Situation - My greatest weakness is that I talk too much. I am up for the challenge to say the least. "I struggle to get my ideas across in large teams". "I get nervous when it comes to public speaking". You want to show that you know your flaws, but don't talk about something that can impact your chances of employment. - My flaws are also my strengths. Organized. Answer honestly with a genuine weakness 6. 2. You may have only one weakness if you are very lucky (or delusional or not paying attention) but you do have a weakness. For instance, some companies require their employees to be diplomatic in their approach. Let's use an example of a weakness for the Server candidate that matches our job offer. Your weaknesses will not impact your ability to succeed in the role. Weakness #4 - You don't yet have any leadership experience. The second step is to focus on what pushes you towards self-improvement and use specific examples of how your experience with your weaknesses helps you better yourself in the future. That shows a complete lack of self-awareness, an incredible ego, or dishonesty. Sample Answer 1. Sample interview answers when your weakness is: impatience reluctance to delegate lack of assertiveness reluctance to ask for help technical skills to improve Choose from these sample answers to the weakness interview question and get ready to impress as an insightful and considered job candidate. Mentioning your weaknesses can be one of the most difficult parts of the job interview. You want to show off your strengths without sounding arrogant, and you don't want your weaknesses to make you look like an unsuitable candidate. Here are the mistakes typically made (you may be able to relate): Trying to turn a negative into a positive. It is important to respond carefully when you are asked about your . After you have evaluated this, you can mention that your penmanship is not good. I am a blabbermouth. What are your weaknesses? Here's how you can approach it. Numerical skills. Paying more attention to the details of a task. "What is your weakness" is a lazy way for the interviewer to identify your weak spots as a job applicant. I keep looking for perfection in projects and assignments and sometimes that backfires as I spend too much time analyzing things. Example: Suppose you are applying to a top B-School. Example of weaknesses interview answers. "What I noticed was, I only tend to procrastinate on big and complicated projects but never on small ones. This question may sound vague, but it actually requires a matter of fact, concise and relevant answer. I am a perfectionist. Secondly, think of one or two weaknesses that could be seen in a positive light. Job interview weaknesses relating to experience These are more basic examples of skills that you may not yet have but are working on or willing to learn. Try asking someone who knows you well (such as a friend or colleague) to be really honest about your areas of weakness. Communication skills are without a doubt my greatest strength. The following are the top seven things to say when asked about your weaknesses during a job interview: 1. Able to work independently. Your weakness should not be situational. However, I've tried to partially overcome this weakness by reaching out to other corporate banking analysts, at your firm and competing firms, to learn as much as possible about the industry and the role. This question is not meant to place focus on the ways you are weak or unskilled. OR I work too hard. Attention to detail is generally regarded as a positive trait. By considering what the question really means, and using context to frame your answer, you can prepare a strong, authentic answer without casting doubt on your ability to do . It's important to think about your weaknesses before your interview so that you can give an answer that shows your awareness and ambition to change. You certainly wouldn't want to give this answer if you're interviewing for a job as a software engineer.

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