Chandra Gupta I, whose early life is unknown, became a local chief in the kingdom of Magadha (parts of modern Bihar state). The first ruler of the empire was Chandra Gupta I, who united the Guptas with the Licchavis by marriage. Verified by Toppr. A. Samudragupta. His descendant Samudra Gupta played the primary role to expanded the Gupta Empire in northern and eastern parts of the Indian continent, and some parts of central India and Ganges valley. Correct option is B) Chandragupta I ( 319-350 CE) was a king of the Gupta dynasty, who ruled in northern India. Kumaragupta's son Skandagupta was the last ruler of the Gupta empire. Chandragupta Vikramaditya. Sri Gupta is . Sri Gupta was the founder of the Gupta dynasty. Skandagupta was prevailed by his sibling Purugupta. The Gupta line kept on being in presence for over 100 years after the Skandagupta in A.D. 467. In the Riddhapura copper plate inscription, it is stated that Sri Gupta belonged to the Dharan Gotra. Painting of King Bimbisara offering his kingdom, Magadha, to the Buddha. 2 See answers . After the Guptas came to the Hunas. The Gupta Empire ends. Chandra Gupta I, king of India (reigned 320 to c. 330 ce) and founder of the Gupta empire. After his death, his son Mihirkula, who destroyed the Gupta Empire, ruled over North Western India for thirty years. According to Buddhist sources, Bimbisara was a close friend of Suddhodana, the ruler of the Shakya, and the father of Siddhartha Gautama , the historical Buddha. C. Skandhagupta. 1. Answer. Other empires covered a relatively much smaller . There were different North Indian Dynasty in India. Who was the first and last ruler of Gupta dynasty? Founded by Sri Gupta, the dynasty rose to fame with rulers like Chandragupta-I, Samudragupta, etc. He ruled from 240 AD to 280 AD. He was a king of the Gupta dynasty, who ruled in northern India. Chandragupta-I was the first notable ruler of the Gupta dynasty. PUSHYABHUTI DYNASTY (500AD-647AD) 605), Rajya Vardhan (605-606), Harsh Vardhan (606-647). Srigupta I (270-290 AD) who was perhaps a petty ruler of Magadha (modern Bihar) established Gupta dynasty with Patliputra or Patna as its capital. The Guptas may have lived in northern or central Bengal during his reign. He was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty, according to his title Maharajadhiraja ("king of great kings"). Copy. Who was the most famous of the Gupta dynasty? His capital was at Thaneswar. In Ancient India, the Gupta Dynasty ruled the mid-to-late 3rd century (approximately) to 543 AD. His title . During his reign, part of northern or central Bengal might have been the home of the Guptas. First Mughal emperor in India was Babur who was founder of Mughal empire in India. Starting from a small kingdom in Magadha (modern Bihar) i. Which Mauryan ruler converted to Buddhism? The Gupta era is generally thought to date from approximately 320, beginning with the reign of the first notable Gupta king, Candra Gupta I (fourth century). He was the first king of the dynasty with his capital at Thanesar which is now a small town in the vicinity of Kurukshetra in the state of Haryana nearly 150 km. Sri Gupta was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty. Complete answer: The Gupta empire began in the 3rd century CE and ended in 543 CE. He assumed the title of Maharajadhiraja. the Zhou Dynasty's justification for its leadership. Chandragupta I, a Magadha king, and the first ruler of Gupta Dynasty married a Lichhavi princess, Kumardevi which enabled him to gain a hold over the Ganges river-basin, the main source of North Indian commerce. . Thereafter, following significant rulers from Gupta dynasty ruled during this period. Chandra Gupta I, king of India (reigned 320 to c. 330 ce) and founder of the Gupta empire. The decline of the Gupta Empire was very devastating. . This led to a war in which Bindusara's son, Ashoka, defeated his brother and rose to the throne in 268 BCE . The later succession of the Gupta rulers is unclear, but the last ruler, Vishnugupta, loses power in 550. The ruling dynasty of the empire was founded by the king Sri Gupta; the most notable rulers of the dynasty were . Chandragupta Vikramaditya, because he conquered the Saka. His son, the celebrated Samudra Gupta, expanded the empire through conquest. He faced the Hunas and defeated them in 455CE. His son Ghatoksha (280- 319 CE. ) But they might have originated from Bengal. The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire which existed from the early 4th century CE to late 6th century CE. Explanation : The first Gupta ruler of consequence was Chandragupta I, son of Ghatotkacha. 19. The founder of the Gupta dynasty is Sri Gupta. Sri Gupta was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty. hdisapnasingh90 hdisapnasingh90 13.01.2020 History Secondary School answered Who was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty? Ghatoksha had a son named Chandragupta (I) (319-335. 2013-02-02 14:04:42. The Poona copper plate inscription of Prabhavati Gupta describes Sri Gupta as the Adhiraja of the Gupta dynasty. Most modern scholars believe that the Satavahana rule began in the late second century BCE and lasted until the early third century CE, although some assign the beginning of their rule to as early as the 3rd century BCE . The dynasty reached most of its vast extent under Chandragupta-I. The Gupta Empire ended in 550 CE, when it disintegrated into regional kingdoms after a series of weak rulers and invasions from the east, west, and north. The last great ruling dynasty of Magadha was A. Sunga B. Kanva C. Kusana D. Gupta. The rulers were the Mauryan dynasty from starting from around 320 to 185 BC. The Hun are driven out of India. The first ruler of this new dynasty was Bimbisara, who has connections with both Buddhism and Jainism. thus, he laid the foundation of its greatness. Prashasti about Samudragupta was inscribed on the Asokan . Emperors of Gupta Empire This article will provide you with useful notes on the Gupta Empire. Thus Chandragupta (1) gave his empire a solid foundation. Ujjain. The Gupta Period from 320 AD to 550 AD is also known as the Golden Age of India. One of these dynasties, destined to rival the Kushan in size and strength, was that of the Guptas. Additional Information Samudragupta: (335-380CE) A ruler of the Gupta Empire of Ancient India. Chandra Gupta I (320-335 or 340 A.D.): Chandra Gupta was the first eminent ruler of the Gupta dynasty. Sri Gupta. The foundation of the Gupta Empire occurred in the fourth decade of the third century and its rise in the beginning of the fourth century. He expanded the Gupta dynasty into far and beyond and strengthened his power and prestige by marrying Licchavi princess, Kumaradevi. Answer: Samudragupta (335-375 AD) of the Gupta dynasty is often called the Napoleon of India. The founder was Chandragupta Maurya. Answer: As the Kushan empire crumbled and fragmented, many new and old kingdoms sprang up into existence around the periphery of the empire. Chandragupta, his father, was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty to adopt the grand title of maharaj- adhiraja, a title that Samudragupta also used. His son Ghatoksha (280- 319 CE. ) He was the grandson of Sri Gupta, the first known ruler of the Gupta line. The Gupta Empire rose to prominence in 320 AD and spread to large parts of northern India, central and small parts of southern India. Not much information is available about their rule of these two Maharajas. Open in App. . Prabhavatigupta was the daughter of Chandragupta II, the ruler of the Gupta Empire, and queen Kuberanaga. Who was the most famous ruler of Gupta dynasty? After this Chandra Gupta conquered Kosala and Kausambi. Important . Samudragupta (330-380 AD) was the successor of Chandragupta (I). The reign of Gupta emperors can truly be considered as the golden age of classical Indian history. Who was the first ruler of gupta dynasty - 35441851 nazmahassan nazmahassan 18.02.2021 History Primary School answered Who was the first ruler of gupta dynasty 2 See answers Advertisement . The Gupta emperor, Narasimhagupta, and the king from Malwa, Yashodharman, ally together and manage to drive the Hun out of India. Chandragupta assumed the title Maharajadhiraja ( "great king of kings") and issued gold coins, which suggests that he was the first imperial ruler of the dynasty. 9. Let's look at the Gupta Dynasty in detail. Which city was the most important city for trade during the reign of Samudragupta? Budhagupta was the main Gupta ruler who kept on administering over a huge piece of the domain. Vardhana had two sons called Rajya Vardhana & Harsha Vardhana and only one daughter, Rajyasree. The Gupta Dynasty : The Gupta empire was founded by Sri Gupta. Harisena was his court poet. Ans. Building roads. "Prashasti" = inscription 'in praise of'. Chandragupta Maurya successfully unified the Indian subcontinent under an empire. An Overview Of The Gupta Empire. He was the grandson of Sri Gupta, the first known ruler of the Gupta line. Wiki User. . The first ruler of the empire was Chandra Gupta I, who united the Guptas with the Licchavis by marriage. Samudra Gupta. 17. 528. What action did Gupta rulers take to encourage trade? The ruling dynasty of the empire was founded by the king Sri Gupta; the most notable rulers of the dynasty were Chandragupta I, Samudragupta, and Chandragupta II alias Vikramaditya. when did he Ascend The Throne? The Gupta Empire stretched across northern, central and parts of southern India between 320 and 550 CE. Answer: Option D Explanation : The Gupta Empire was an ancient Indian empire existing from the mid-to-late 3rd century CE to 590 CE. Asoka. He ruled for about ten years in the north-central India with his capital as Pataliputra, near modern day Patna in Bihar state of India. Paper. His title Maharajadhiraja suggests that he was the first emperor of the dynasty. He increased his power and territory by marrying, about 308, Princess Kumaradevi of the Licchavi tribe . The Pushyabhuti dynasty was founded by Pushyabhuti. 18. was the next successor of this Empire. Find out who really invented movable type, who Winston Churchill called "Mum," and when the first sonic boom was heard. Chandra Gupta I, whose early life is unknown, became a local chief in the kingdom of Magadha (parts of modern Bihar state). He was then succeeded by Ghatotkacha. B. This answer is: Study guides. Chandragupta-I was the first powerful ruler of Gupta Empire and ascended the throne in 320 AD. Which Gupta ruler is known as Sakari and why? Although a generally accepted hypothesis among modern historians is that his marriage to the Lichchhavi princess Kumaradevi helped him expand his political control, it is unclear how he turned his small ancestral kingdom into an empire. B. Chandragupta. Samudragupta, Gupta ruler (1700 years ago, ie AD 300). He was succeeded by Aditya Vardhana. D. Both (a) and (c) Medium. The Gupta dynasty was started by Sri Gupta, he ruled from 240 -280 CE. Chandragupta ruled from 324 to 297 BCE before voluntarily giving the throne up to his son, Bindusara, who ruled from 297 BCE until his death in 272 BCE. The most powerful ruler of the Gupta dynasty was Samudragupta due to his various conquests in the Indian subcontinent. Maharaja Srigupta was the founder of Gupta empire. Some scholars think they are from Prayaga (Allahabad in UP). After defeating Pushyamitra, he assumed the title of Vikramaditya. Solution. Who was the first known Gupta ruler? Historians consider this period as the golden age of India. 550. Who was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty? Gupta period is one of the most important period in Indian History. The influence of her mother. Get the answers you need, now! The first Gupta ruler to assume the title of Maharajadhiraja was Chandragupta I ( 319-350 CE) who was a king of the Gupta dynasty, who had ruled in northern India. Who was the first important ruler of Gupta dynasty how he raised the power and prestige of the Gupta dynasty? Gupta Period: Important General Knowledge Multiple Choice Question With Answer. late 3rd century CE) is the earliest known king of the dynasty: different historians variously date the beginning of his reign from mid-to-late 3rd century CE. While the Gupta ultimately settled on a primary religion, the Han opted for separate religious philosophical systems that would serve the needs of others differently. Sri Gupta founded the Gupta Empire c. 240-280 CE, and was succeeded by his . The first ruler of the Gupta dynasty who adopted the grand title of maharaj- adhiraja was _____. They built roads linking India to distant lands. By marrying a Lichchhavi Princess Kumaradevi he sought to gain in . The first ruler of the Gupta Empire was Chandra Gupta 1, who united the Guptas with the Licchavis by marriage. Chandragupta was the founder of the Mauryan dynasty (reigned c. 321-c. 297 BCE) and the first emperor to unify most of India under one administration. His military achievements earned him the moniker "The Indian Napoleon. The objective or multiple questions of the Gupta empire, discussed here are very important for the various types of competitive examinations like Railway, Government jobs interview, Banking exam, staff selection commission or SSC, CGL, etc. Cha-ndra-gu-pta, r. c. 319-335 or 319-350 CE) was a king of the Gupta dynasty, who ruled in northern India. The period is noted for its achievements in the arts, architecture, sciences, religion, and philosophy. One of the main differences between the Han dynasty and the Gupta Empire is the concept of their contrasting views of religion. The Gupta dynasty was founded by Chandragupta I. Kumaragupta's son Skandagupta was the last ruler of the Gupta empire. They created a system of tolls and taxes. King Chandragupta I and Queen Kumaradevi Chandra Gupta was the f irst ruler of the Gupta dynasty. It was an empire of ancient India. 3 -How long did Samudragupta rule? School Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur; Course Title CHEM 302; Uploaded By RAJA5199; Pages 105 He was the grandson of Sri Gupta, the first known ruler of the Gupta line. Study Notes On Gupta Dynasty in Hindi Overview Indian Dynasty had a great rulers like Chandra Gupta I, Samudra Gupta, etc.., History of India and its dynasties dates back to at least 6500 BC which perhaps makes the oldest surviving in the world. The first Hun king Toramana ruled northern India as far as Malwa in central India. A. Thus, probably, Chandra Gupta's empire included Bihar and a part of Bengal and . The initial state of the Gupta dynasty was in modern Uttar Pradesh and Bihar. Best Answer. His son, the celebrated Samudra Gupta, expanded the empire through conquest. Chandragupta's period was known as the golden era in Indian history. Origin. She became every obstacle to becoming one of the chief Gupta queens, and Prabhavatigupta got her administrative skills and . Explanation : Sri Gupta was the first ruler of gupta dynasty, He reigned from 240 - 280 A.D. D. Introducing the concept of zero. Chandragupta I (320-330 A.D.) was the next successor of this Empire. Her mother was a princess who was sent to the Gupta court as a political hostage. Prabhakara Vardhana was the one who founded the Vardhana dynasty . The rapid decline of the Mauryan empire brought forth two dominant political powers namely, the Kushanas and the Satavahanas eventually giving way to the Gupta dynasty. who is the first known ruler of gupta dynasty a. Who was the fourth ruler of Gupta dynasty? Sri Gupta has been identified with Che-li-ki-to of ITsing, who as per his details, had built a temple 500 years back from is visit for Chinese Pilgrims. The Poona Copper inscription describes him as the "Adhiraja of Gupta dynasty". At its zenith, from approximately 319 to 467 CE, it covered much of the Indian subcontinent. Ghatoksha had a son named Chandragupta (I) (319-335 CE). 2. The Satavahanas (Sdavhana or Stavhana, IAST: Stavhana), also referred to as the Andhras in the Puranas, were an ancient Indian dynasty based in the Deccan region. Who defeated Gupta dynasty? The details about the Sri-Gupta, the first ruler of the Gupta Dynasty come from the accounts of ITsing who came to India in around 690 AD. The Mauryan Empire was the earliest and covered the widest area of approximately 5 million square kilometers. History says that there were another 2 rulers (Gupta and Ghatotkacha) before him but isn't much recognized. Who is the first known ruler of Gupta Dynasty a Shree Gupta b Chandragupta I. Chandragupta I (c. 319 - 335/350) Kacha (early 4th century?) Kalidasa's patron Emperor Chandragupta II (380-413 AD) belonged to this dynasty. The Huna People, also known as Huns, invaded Gupta territory and caused significant damage to the empire. 2. The Poona copper inscription of Prabhavati Gupta (daughter of Chandra Gupta II) describes Sri Gupta as the Adhiraja of the Gupta dynasty. 3 . There were many majestic kings in this dynasty. from Delhi. The starting of the reign of Chandragupta-I is considered by many historians as the beginning of Gupta era. The original homeland of the Guptas is not known for certain. Both treated other religions with tolerance. Historian A V Smith referred to as him so due to his nice navy conquests identified from the 'Prayag Prashati' written by his courtier and poet Harisena, who additionally describes him because the hero of 100 battles. Chapter 9: GUPTA EMPIRE Chandragupta II (380-415 A.D.) The Gupta Empire After the Maurya Empire Came to an End, India; History of India up to 1206AD (18BHI13C) UNIT 3; Guptas Empire; Gupta Coins-1.Pdf; 7. the Guptas and Their Successors (A.D.300-750) Chandragupta-I Was the First Powerful Ruler of Gupta Empire and Ascended the Throne in 320 AD << Maurya Dynasty - The Mauryan Empire was the first major empire in the history of India and ruled the land from 322 BC to 185 BC. Another factor that portrays the difference between . Chandragupta was also entitled to Maharajadhiraja which means the "King of Kings." Samudra Gupta (Nearly 340-380 A.D.) In the Gupta period India attained the peak of glory in every aspects starting from science, art, literature, mathematics, astronomy and philosophy. Names of some famous and important Mughal emperors are given below :; 1- Babur 2- Humayun 3- Akbar the great 4-Jahangir 5-Shahjahan 6-Aurangjeb 7- Bahadur Shah 8- Bahadur Shah Zafar Thus Mughal empire lasted in India from 1526 to 1857. Ans. India has had some of the greatest empires dating back to the 250 BCE. Chandragupta I (320 - 335 CE) started a rapid expansion of the Gupta Empire and soon established himself as the first sovereign ruler of . Who was the fourth ruler of Gupta dynasty? Chandra Gupta I, king of India (reigned 320 to c. 330 ce) and founder of the Gupta empire. Chandra Gupta I, whose early life is unknown, became a local chief in the kingdom of Magadha (parts of modern Bihar state). Who is . What is not an achievement of the Gupta Empire during India's golden age? During his brief rule he succeeded in raising the power and prestige of his dynasty and. Budha Gupta (477 to nearly 500 A.D.). Through aggressive military conquest and a strategic marriage to a Licchavi princess, Candra Gupta created the basis of an empire with Pataliputra as its capital. when did he Ascend The Throne? The Gupta dynasty included Chandragupta (i), Samudragupta,Chandragupta (ii), Kumargupta (i), Skandgupta, Purugupta, Kumargupta (ii), Budhagupta, Narshimhagupta, Kumargupta (iii) and. What was the "mandate of heaven"? Gupta dynasty started by Sri Gupta, he ruled from 240 -280 CE. Ruler # 1. Chandragupta I (A.D. 319-320 to 335): The first Gupta ruler of consequence was Chandragupta I, son of Ghatotkacha. Who was the first ruler of the Gupta Empire? Ruler # 4. Samudragupta (c. 335/350 - 375) (Ramagupta) . The Poona copper inscription of Prabhavati Gupta (daughter of Chandra Gupta II) describes that Sri Gupta as the Adhiraja of Gupta dynasty. An important topic in the History syllabus, it is also important for the IAS Exam. The ruling dynasty of the empire was founded by the king Sri Gupta; the most notable rulers of the dynasty. Established by Sri Gupta circa 240 -280 CE, the Gupta Empire from circa 320-550 CE approximately, enveloped much of the Indian Subcontinent primarily through wars. Ans. How were the Mauryan and Gupta empires alike? He ruled from 240 to 280 AD. This period is considered as the Golden Age of India by historians. Chandragupta was a son of the Gupta king Ghatotkacha, and a grandson of the dynasty's founder Gupta, both of whom are called Maharaja ("great king") in the Allahabad Pillar inscription. Who was the father of Chandragupta first? Samudragupta and Chandragupta II Samudragupta,succeeded his father Chandragupta I and ruled the Gupta dynasty for about 45 years from 335 AD to 380 AD. He is also known as 'Napolean of India'. However, the dynasty's golden age began around 240 CE . Son of Chandragupta I and the Licchavi princess, Kumaradevi. The Gupta Empire covered much of northern, central, and southern India between around 320 to 550 CE.The Gupta Realm began to rapidly grow under Chandragupta I who quickly became the first sovereign ruler of the empire.It signalled the end of 500 hundred years of provincial power dominance and unrest that followed the fall of the Mauryas. A huge piece of the Gupta dynasty: the Gupta dynasty the grandson of Sri Gupta the... After the Skandagupta in A.D. 467 Vardhana had two sons called Rajya Vardhana & ;! Chief Gupta queens, and philosophy started by Sri Gupta, he assumed the title of maharaj- was! Military achievements earned him the moniker & quot ; = inscription & # ;... Eminent ruler of the Gupta dynasty was founded by the king Sri Gupta founded Vardhana!, probably, Chandra Gupta I ( 320-335 or 340 A.D. ): the Gupta empire, ruled over Western... 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