Citation. It is a stand-alone document that seeks to explore the relevance of global trends to defence and security out to 2040, while building on previous editions. [6] RAND researchers used a mixed-method approach to deliver the study, including literature review and a broad stakeholder consultation across the Armed Forces . The ultimate goal is to provide guidance that helps decisionmakers plan for a safer . Global Trends 2040 identifies four structural forces that will shape the future - demographics, the environment, economics, and technology - and assesses how they affect decisions and outcomes. the previous chapters of global trends 2040 described how key structural forces are laying the foundations for our future world, including demographics, environment, economics, and technology, and then explored the dynamics emerging within societies, states, and the international system as communities and leaders respond to and engage with these The EY Megatrends framework exposes business leaders to trends and forces far outside their usual scope of analysis, reducing the risk of missing out on . Global Trends 2020, done at the turn of millennium, didn't predict Covid-19, but it did lay out as a possibility almost exactly what in fact occurred around the globe. Export a citation. their own centre trends describing the major trends affecting human life globally in 2040. Capita Ideas Today. APA (6th ed.) (2010). I lead a humanitarian organization with the . Our latest analysis and commentary when it is published. [1] Contents Urbanisation will continue and, by 2040, two-thirds of the world's population will live in cities. It further describes five potential scenarios for the world in 2040, based on different combinations of the structural forces, emerging dynamics . The latest report, Global Trends 2040, released last week by the National Intelligence Council, finds that the pandemic has proved to be "the most significant, singular global disruption. Capita This Month. Also, be sure to familiarize yourself with the [] L. A PUBLICATION OF THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE COUNCIL MARCH 2021 2040 GLOBAL TRENDS A M O R E C O N T E S T E D W O R L Study Resources Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World is an unclassified assessment of the forces and dynamics that the NIC anticipates are likely to shape the national security environment over the next twenty years.. It specifically discusses the four main trends that will shape tomorrow's world: - Demographics-by 2040, 1.4 billion people will be added mostly in Africa and South Asia. In turn, this connectivity will help produce new efficiencies, conveniences, and advances in living standards. 1. Urbanisation will not mean an improved quality of life. Vu, Cung | April 2021 During the next two decades the advancements of technology will enhance human capabilities to address challenges such as healthcare, environment, quality of life but at the same time create tensions and disruptions within and between societies and states. The choice is ours, and ours alone. Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World is an unclassified assessment of the forces and dynamics that the NIC anticipates are likely to shape the national security environment over the next 20 years. Published every four years since 1997, Global Trends assesses the key trends and uncertainties that will shape the strategic environment for the United States during the next two decades. These dynamics are not fixed in perpetuity, however, and we envision a variety of plausible scenarios for the world of 2040from a democratic renais- sance to a transformation in global cooperation spurred by shared tragedydepending on how these dynamics interact and human choices along the way. Report on Global Reports, 2020-2021 - The Whale and the Minnows larsondunigan. Add tags for "Global Trends 2040 A More Contested World.". Acknowledges that democracy is kaput but may be reborn by 2040, America leading the way. Turabian (6th ed.) Faster Pace of Innovation. In the recently released Global Trends report, the National Intelligence Council detailed five potential scenarios for how the world will look in 20 years. The event features a panel discussion with one of the report authors and three University of Denver faculty who have contributed to previous and current Glob. . Gregory F. Treverton was Chair of the U.S. National Intelligence Council until January 2017. Your answer should be between 250 and 500 words. It provides assessments of trends and uncertainties around the globe for the newly-elected administration to help them prepare for a possible future. Citation Vu, Cung. 150327_navigating_choppy_waters Laiyin (Rhine) Yuan . Global Burden of Cutaneous Melanoma in 2020 and Projections to 2040. . It specifically discusses the four main trends that will shape tomorrow's world: - Demographics-by 2040, 1.4 billion people will be added mostly in Africa and South Asia. During this timeframe significant global trends will include; climate change, rapid population growth, resource scarcity, a resurgence in ideology and a shift in global power from West to East. Demography, education, and democracy: Global trends and the case of Iran. 5 min read Global Trends 2040 (GT2040) is the latest in a series of scenarios studies by the National Intelligence Council, a thinktank that advises the intelligence community. The study analyzes each energy scenario's outputs and outlooks by 2040 such as gross domestic product growth, technology developments, primary energy demand by sector, energy supply by fuel, energy intensity and carbon emissions. Led by a team of young RAND researchers, this collection of work spans the globe and crosses different disciplinesfrom nuclear strategy, to economics, to anthropology. Equality And Security. This article provides an update on the global cancer burden using the GLOBOCAN 2020 estimates of cancer incidence and mortality produced by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The Parents Aren't Alright by Elliot Haspel. This includes the National Security Agency and C.I.A. Choose one of these and summarize what the report says and then relate this trend to issues/concepts . 2021-12-24 03:55:04. Each Global Trends report assesses critical drivers and scenarios for global . Harvard (18th ed.) Citation; Contents. This study presents a novel comparative analysis on global energy scenarios in terms of main characteristics, scenario building frameworks and time frames. Global Trends The first part of report is an analysis of the key driving factors in demography, the natural environment, economy, and technology of a long-term nature that might shape the international order by 2040. We also provided a simple estimate of the future number of melanoma cases and deaths worldwide for the year 2040, based on demographic projections and scenarios of uniformly increasing, stable, or decreasing rates annually . Collection. - Economics-increased government debt and concentrated economic power will escalate problems for the poor and middleclass. Top 5 Solution Trends. [3] estimated that the global GHGEs of the ICT sector relative to the worldwide footprint doubled from 1-1.6% in 2007 to 3-3.6% in 2020. The National Intelligence Council s report Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World,1 which was designed to provide an analytic framework for policymakers early in each administration, was released in March 2021, when the committee was starting to prepare this document. This document is split into 3 sections: Executive Summary and Implications for Defence and . MLA (7th ed.) Global Trends 2040 identifies four structural forces that will . To identify the correct path, organizations must challenge currently held assumptions about customer and workforce strategies, where competition will come from, and where growth will be made. Global Trends 2030: OR OF NAT IO CT Alternative RE NA F THE DI L IN . The National Intelligence Council (NIC) on Thursday released the seventh edition of its quadrennial Global Trends report. Determine a range of different options for delivery of global mobility out to 2040. Global Trends 2030: Alternative Worlds a publication of the National Intelligence Council 2. You may have already requested this item. First, please choose one of the five future scenarios in the Global Trends 2040: A More Contested Future (see below). It specifically discusses the four main trends that will shape tomorrow's world: - Demographics-by 2040, 1.4 billion people will be added mostly in Africa and South Asia. J., & AbbasiShavazi, M. J. This study identifies the likely changes in mobility requirements between now and 2040 and outlines a range of options to deliver global mobility in dynamic threat and policy environments. We also work with leading academic institutions and not-for-profit groups. Chicago (Author-Date, 15th ed.) This is a 'meta-entry' on education. During the next two decades, several global economic trends, including rising national debt, a more complex and fragmented trading environment, the global spread of trade in services, new employment disruptions, and the continued rise of powerful firms, are likely to shape conditions within and between states. Support Center Find answers to questions about products, access, use, setup, and administration. The Global Trends 2040 report from the National Intelligence Center describes a number of global economic trends which will, over the next 20 years, shape conditions and relationships globally. Security 2040 is a research initiative from RAND's Center for Global Risk and Security. ; Contact Us Have a question, idea, or some feedback? The main question, 'how may the Finnish wood-based economy look like in 2040', was focused on the . The Internet of Things encompassed 10 billion devices in 2018 and is projected to reach 64 billion by 2025 and possibly many trillions by 2040, all monitored in real time. The committee recognized that Global Trends It specifically discusses the four main trends that will shape tomorrow's world: - Demographics-by 2040, 1.4 billion people will be added mostly in Africa and South Asia. Pinpoint the top-level implications of these options for future force design and capability planning. Increasing Competition for Talent. Read through all the scenarios carefully so that you can gain an understanding of the main aspects of each modeled scenario, paying particular attention to the one you want to write about. A biweekly newsletter exploring the big picture of why America isn't . - Economics-increased government debt and concentrated economic power will escalate problems for the poor and middleclass. Yet it came as a surprise. The NIC's Global Trends 2040 Report: A Development Outlook June 3, 2021 By Steven Gale The recently released National Intelligence Council's Global Trends 2040 report, clocking in at over 140 pages, is titled "A More Contested World." That headline should come as no surprise to development professionals. We constructed this report around two central organizing principles: identifying and assessing broad forces that are shaping the future strategic environment, and then exploring how populations and leaders will act on and respond to the forces. This week, Executive Vice President John Byrne, and Creative Director Elliot Berman of the AML RightSource staff talk about the report Global Trends 2040, issued by the National Intelligence Council. Among the most important is the visible and expected slowing of population growth and ageing of OECD countries and China. Confirm this request. Global Trends 2040 ICJ-ICC. A monthly update on Capita's work with our most popular insight and analysis. Greater Personalization and Customization. Although directed at American concerns, especially security, it provides a comprehensive perspective that is based on wide consultation with academics and others in Africa, Europe, and Asia. Becoming More Global. Top 5 Challenge Trends. If this trend continues, the share of ICT . Three trends guide much of the current research on engineering design processes: growing complexity of products and processes; increasing digitization and associated generation and potential of . The goal is not to offer a specific prediction of the world in 2040; instead, our intent is to help policymakers and citizens see what may lie beyond the horizon and prepare for an array of possible futures." Some Key Takeaways From the Document Include: Our clients. opensource. How to Read Global Strategic Trends This is the fourth edition of Global Strategic Trends. The number of cities with a population of more than one million will also increase. . Based on those organizing principles, we built the analysis in three general sections. Global Trends 2040: A Hyperconnected Future? About the author Florence Gaub Global trends-2030 1. Global Trends 2040. The visualizations and research discussed here are also discussed in other, more specific data entries. Here is my take on five global trends that leaders of every sector should be prepared to address in the year ahead. Please select Ok if you would like to proceed with this request anyway. according to findings, six mega-trends that would shape the future of global energy sector are as follows: growing demand for natural gas, increasing the share of non-fossil resources in the global energy consumption, divergence of economic growth with energy demand growth, stability of oil demand and oil price, increasing demand for oil in the View GlobalTrends_2040.pdf from MATH SCIENCE 2010 at Manila Science High School. The National Intelligence Council has released the seventh edition of its quadrennial Global Trends report. Increasing Complexity. - Economics-increased. The struggle to establish an effective system of global governance, is likely to be a central theme of the era. Increasing Concern for the Environment. Global trends are shaped by global powers, and 2030 is right around the corner. Population and Development Review, 36(2), 253-281. Tal vez desee visitar tambin nuestros contenidos en espaol en Cairn Mundo.. CAMBIAR A ESPAOL Having trouble seeing the video? Think tank summary of things to come. Global Trends 2040: A More Contested Future Global Trends 2040 is a report for politicians and policy makers which assesses trends that might shape a range of possible futures. Copy a citation. democracy, aitocracy, changes ahead. To help policymakers navigate our future world, the National Intelligence Council's recent report, " Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World ," analyzes the key structural forces and emerging dynamics that are shaping the international landscape and presents scenarios for what the next two decades might hold. 2021. We want to hear from you. My Research and Language Selection Sign into My Research Create My Research Account English; Help and support. This paper has two parts. Our clients span continents and industries, from Europe to Asia, Africa and the Americas, and across sectors as diverse as consumer goods, pharmaceuticals, utilities, B2B engineering, consultancy and the public sector. - Economics-increased. Becoming More Connected. There are many forces influencing global directions and the ability of governments, NGOs, and individuals to respond to crises and political events. The Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World report was produced by the United States' National Intelligence Council as part of the Global Trends project which is designed to provide an analytic framework for the incoming US president and the new administration. Belkhir et al. Download the report as PDF (3.6 MB) Download the executive summary (2.7 MB) The future is now, and tomorrow's challenges (and opportunities) are determined by today's choices. WELCOME TO GLOBAL TRENDS 2040 Welcome to the 7th edition of the National Intelligence Council's Global Trends report. Every four years, at the start of a new administration, American intelligence agencies put out "Global Trends," a weighty assessment of where the world seems. Be the first. Global Trends 2040. THE GLOBAL Trends 2040 is the latest publication of the Global Trends (GT) series, published every four years since 1997 by the United States National Intelligence Council. The following options were explored in greater detail: the use of multi-role platforms; international collaboration; commercial solutions; uncrewed or . We believe that in the world of 2030a world in which a growing global population will have reached somewhere close to 8.3 billion people (up from 7.1 billion in 2012)four demographic trends will fundamentally shape, although not necessarily determine, most countries' economic and political conditions and relations among countries. The shape of things to come. -Global Trends 2040 (2021) Global Trends 2040-A More Contested World (2021), released by the US National Intelligence Council, is the latest report in its series of reports starting in 1997 about megatrends and the world's future. Worldwide, an estimated 19.3 million new cancer cases (18.1 million excluding nonmelanoma skin cancer) and almo Based on . Arnold M, Singh D, Laversanne M, et al. 5 Questions from Global Trends 2040 Capita. A Look at the Key Trends That Will Shape the Next Two DecadesWith shifting global demographics, rapid technological change and rising geopolitical competitio. Due to a planned power outage on Friday, 1/14, between 8am-1pm PST, some services may be impacted. But HG said to find an opiate for the end in his last book just before the drop of the Bomb on Hiroshima. PM World Journal (ISSN: 2330-4880) Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World DNI - USG April 2021 Other News Page 1 of 2 Other News affecting Projects and Project Management Global Trends 2040: A More Contested World U.S. National Intelligence Council Releases Global Trends Report for new . Global Trends 2040. A national security think tank sees a continual decline in global democratic governance, due to economics, climate, pandemics, assorted rolling pearlharbors, and elites not giving a shit, until, the report claims, the US leads a resurgence in Democracy or about 2040, Addeddate. The NIC's Strategic Futures Group, under the direction of Maria Langan-Riekhof, led the publication of the "Global Trends 2040" report, working with 18 organizations that make up the United States Intelligence Community. Of Trends and the case of Iran the structural forces, emerging dynamics report says and then this. That democracy is kaput but may be reborn by 2040, America leading the way goal... 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