Some forms of social protection such as public works and cash transfers can create community assets, stimulate local markets and generate . 1 Basic concepts: Social protection and social transfers 11 1.1 Social protection through social transfers 12 1.2 Informal transfer systems 17 1.3 Formal transfer systems 19 1.3.1 Dening formal social protection, its functions, institutions and sources of nance 19 1.3.2 Financial architecture of national social protection systems 22 Separate programs in the public . The 'public' character of this response may be governmental or non-governmental, or may Social protection has emerged in recent years as a conceptual hub that aims to integrate a variety of measures aimed at building fairer and more inclusive societies, and guarantee minimum standards of living to everyone. 2: Combination Social Protection improves adolescent ART-adherence 3: Combination Social Protection reduces HIV-risk in adolescents 4: Social Protection: potential for improving HIV outcomes among adolescents 5: Social Protection and the Sustainable Development Goals 6: Combination Social Protection lowers unprotected sex in HIV-positive Social protection programmes can be affordable and sustainably nanced. Social protection thus deals with both the absolute deprivation and vulnerabilities of the poorest, and also with the need of the currently non-poor for security in the face of shocks and life-cycle events. the Programmes like cash transfers - including child grants, school meals, skills development and more - help connect families with health care, nutritious food and quality education to give all children, no matter what circumstances they are born into, a fair . 2.2.1 Education The Compulsory and Free Education Act 2018 This paper provides an overview of the latest evidence on the effects of social protection on gender equality. Social Protection is the base of a secure and acceptable life. Most frequently in countries, where As such the term begs clear definition and in many cases relies on implicit understanding of the issue. Social security schemes are designed to benefit those who are in employment and their dependents, by providing a degree of protection against the effects of loss of income or ill health. Types of social protection across countries Fragile states Low income countries Middle income countries Social Assistance National, proxy-means tested social transfer systems Regular seasonal public works; cash transfers to select groups Cash & In-kind safety nets through NGOs or community-based organizations and social protection system is of a "formal type" which is very limited in its coverage in the "majority world" while the latter type, the "informal" regime, is . Poverty and insufficient access to nutritious food can cause malnutrition and stunting. ADB provided a small-scale capacity development technical assistance project, Supporting the Development of a Social Protection Framework for Nepal, in May 2010. The core of the framework is the underlying purpose and objective of social protection which is better and social insurance: contributory programmes that cover designated contingencies affecting the welfare or income of households; labour market protection: provides unemployment benefits, builds skills and trains workers. It is usually provided by the state and financed by national taxes (Barrientos, 2010). Information for each country on types of social security programs, types of mandatory systems for retirement income, contribution rates, and demo-graphic and other statistics related to social security is shown in Tables 1-4 beginning on page 17. Social protection schemes include all interventions to support communities, households, and individuals in their efforts to prevent, manage, and overcome economic risks and vulnerabilities. The National Social Protection Policy is consistent with our national aspirations of becoming one of the top 20 largest economies in the world by 2020. The study reveals that social protection benefits cover many socio-economic areas and the Turkish state, by being generous, has improved its efficiency by covering new circumstances in recent years. To adequately supply benefits, social protection policies and . social protection and child protection and fiscal space. have been devoted to social protection responses to COVID-19 in 2021. ILO has identified four types of social protection: social protection linked to a contract with a specific employer; social protection linked to salaried employment; social protection linked to participation in gainful employment (including nonsalaried employment); and social pr- otection linked to residency status. Develop and enforce minimum standards for OVC support that incorporate social protection elements. This implicit understanding locates social protection in the field of providing for those in society unable to provide for Nepal, however, faces considerable challenges in . Social protection programs have emerged over the years without an overarching strategic or legal framework. It also discusses different impacts of social protection on agriculture, a key productive sector of the Metadata. Yet, the number of people who do not have enough to eat worldwide is much higher - currently estimated at up to 811 million. It is a basic set of social rights derived from human right treaties, including access to essential services (such as health, education, housing, water and sanitation, and others, as defined nationally) and social transfers, in cash or in kind, to guarantee income security, food security . The social protection floor (SPF) is the first level of protection in a national social protection system. Over US$2.9 trillion. identified within each building block are also pertinent to the design and implementation of ASP across other types of . They include old-age, survivor and disability pensions; unemployment, sickness/injury, and health insurance; and maternity/paternity benefits (UNDP, 2016: 35; World Bank, 2018b: 5). of the strategy and conceptual understandings of social protection and social safety nets. It starts by considering how risks and vulnerabilities are gendered, and the implications of their gendered nature for boys' and girls', and men's and women's well-being throughout the life course. Public policies that help people face economic and social difficulties they experience throughout their lives and enable them to take greater advantage of economic opportunities. The report documents the main social safety net programs that exist . It encompasses social insurance (for example, where The study drew on both primary and secondary research carried out between January and June . Support from donors is also important in lower income contexts. Social Security/ Social Protection In Nepal: Situation Analysis. Types of social protection programmes. The 2001 Social Protection Strategy defines social . The term "social protection" refers to an integrated system of protective measures against risks, in order for individuals, households and communities to minimize the normal day to day risks that can occur in life, mitigate the impact of economic . Earlier, social protection programmes were considered unsuitable for developing countries, whereas recent years has seen a shift in the development paradigm with social protection policies now considered a key component of international poverty reduction strategies and a development instrument centred on the rights of the poor. Social protection is a broad concept that covers a wide range of private and public initiatives to provide income to the poor, protect the vulnerable against risks, and invest in the capabilities and rights of those who are vulnerable and marginalized, to improve their socioeconomic chances and reduce . I will make a political and economic analysis. Most of the people were excluded from any type of public social security scheme. Social Assistance Social assistance is a type of social protection in which non-contributory, tax-financed, regular and predictable cash or in-kind resources are transferred to poor and vulnerable individuals or households. It is a transformative tool for addressing poverty, unemployment, social and economic vulnerabilities, inequality, exclusion and other threats to . Social protection is particularly critical for families living in poverty as poverty can greatly impact a child's ability to access education, health and other services. Social protection is about people and families having security in the face of vulnerabilities, contingencies, having access to health care, and safety in working conditions. The benefits can be This paper assesses developments in the provision of formal social protection in Africa. A key concern with cash transfers, as opposed to other non-cash types of social protection instrument, is that the value of the transfer in Nigeria is very low compared with the 2 Besides reducing society's vulnerabilities to various economic risks, social protection policies also serve as important macroeconomic 202).2 Building social protection floors requires States to extend social protection, at least at a nationally defined minimum level, to everyone throughout their life. divided into two parts: 1) an overview of the social protection system; and 2) programme profiles. In the larger African context, efforts to study social protection have involved a review of the diverse research on issues that relate to social protection, especially since the Livingstone process conference of March 2006 where 13 African governments agreed to put together national social protection plans to support elderly and vulnerable groups. colonial era, social security coverage was extended to the few people who were in the colonial employment. While data on the size and trends of Long-term national nancing strategies should be identied and implemented to protect and expand expenditure on effective social protection programmalso political choices.- UNICEF promotes the development and strengthening of integrated social protection systems . 0.4.2. The purpose of this paper is to illustrate the current state of Social Protection in Indonesia. The Strategy sets out the governments key social protection commitments Transfers are non-contributory, i.e. Large programs, such as the Social Security Allowances, identify beneficiaries using demographic or social criteria, that are not necessarily related to poverty or vulnerability. The Government of Nepal has recognized that a well-articulated framework and strategy is necessary for running an effective and efficient social protection system with regulatory, oversight, and delivery capacities. Social protection (or social security) is, therefore, a human right as well as an economic and social necessity. Social protection has become an increasingly prominent public policy tool in Nepal over the past two decades. In 2013, social protection helped lift 150 million . Social Protection Operational Framework and Strategy The adopted framework is envisaged to serve as the overall guide for implementing social protection programs / interventions and other policies related to SP. Although social protection may be targeted on meeting specific needs among certain While the first part provides a quick overview of the main institutions in charge of social protection as well as the key policy and legal instruments that guide and regulate the country's social protection system, the second part offers a detailed Social Protection is often financed by public funds and contributions. 2. Legal frameworks, international conventions and various Cambodiaspecific strategy papers related to social protection were used as a reference on the legal aspects involved. Definitions of Social Protection: Social protection is a wide-ranging term that can include initiatives such as conditional cash transfer, health insurance, pension, and other such programs. It then reviews and discusses . According to a study carried out in 2009 by Human Rights Watch, it is estimated that between 10 and 20 percent of women in Pakistan have suffered some form of abuse. 1.4 Context of social protection in Kenya 22 1.5 Conclusion 38 2: Overview of the social protection sector 39 Summary 39 2.1 Introduction 39 2.2 Legislative and policy framework 40 2.3 Definition of social protection in Kenya 42 2.4 Current social protection sector 43 As defined here, social protection is thus a broader concept than traditional social security. It contributes to economic growth by not . View Document. At the turn of the millennium, social protection became a new priority for both states of the global South and international development policy more generally. The need for broad based social protection is increasing more and more not only for the wage earners but also for the self-employed poor in various castes, communities and socially excluded groups. These measures are also of a great importance to a country which is on the . They are not social assistance programmes but programmes that provide contributions-based benefits, according to a pre-determined formula, to those who qualify . The social protection overlaps with a number of livelihoods, human capital and food security interventions (Harvey et al., 2007). Social protection is a broad concept that covers a wide range of private and public initiatives to provide income to the poor, protect the vulnerable against risks, and invest in the capabilities and rights of those who are vulnerable and marginalized, to improve their socioeconomic chances and reduce . (Berg et al., 2018). The State of Social Safety Nets 2018 Report examines global trends in the social safety net/social assistance coverage, spending, and program performance based on the World Bank Atlas of Social Protection Indicators of Resilience and Equity (ASPIRE) updated database. Social Protection and Child Protection - Better Care Network As, in the past, social protection policies were considered unsuitable for development countries, the elevation of social protection to the level of a preferred instrument of development marks a fundamental paradigm shift. Formal social protection is defined to include actions taken by the public sector (alone or in conjunction with other parties such as non-governmental organisations and donors) and private sector arrangements that have legal backing. Of particular importance are laws that ensure . Social protection can play a transformative role in the lives and livelihoods of poor people. WHAT IS SOCIAL PROTECTION? Social protection is a rather broad concept, often even used interchangeably with the concept of social security. Domestic violence in Pakistan is an endemic social and public health problem. Its main objective is to tackle poverty and to protect people from risks and shocks caused by e.g. The country summaries show each system's major . The aim of my thesis is to make a critical analysis of the inadequate social protection policies in Nigeria today. To be able to effectively measure progress on such programs through coverage it is necessary to first go through definitions of social protection. Since the insurgency's end in 2006, the government, with the support of development partners, has explicitly integrated implementers interested in other parts of the country social protection programming into its broader . facilitate access to social protection interventions for the children and specifically work to: 1. unexpected economic fluctuations. The MDG report (UNDP,2011) says that Nepal can reach most of the targets if the government is able to manage resources and build institutional and policy capacity for implementation of strategic interventions. features. social protection systems are not yet well equipped to address the challenges associated with automation and digitalization.3 . Social protection includes: Social assistance - non-contributory transfers in cash, vouchers, or in-kind (including school feeding) to individuals or households in need (White, 2016: 1); public works programmes; fee waivers (for basic health and education services); and subsidies (e.g. According to ILO "Social security is the protection which society provides for its members through a series of public measures against the economic and social distress resulting from sickness, maternity, employment injury, unemployment, invalidity, old age and death.
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