When you reduce a creature to 0 hit points using the scythe, you can choose to reduce it to ash. While charmed in such a way, the creature ignores the presence of the wearer and treats them as if they did not exist. If a spell requires a saving throw it is a DC 17 save. The homebrew content for fifth edition Dungeons & Dragons found at D&D Beyond includes tens of thousands of entries and browsing them is a regular habit of mine. Based on Flux's current elemental affinity, one of the following effects occurs. Perhaps this is indicative of 5E D&D's primary activity of fighting monsters. While attuned to this item you gain proficiency in the Nature and Animal Handling skills. While you are wearing this ring, when you make a ranged attack with a bow or crossbow you magically summon the ammunition as part of the attack. Those foolish enough to step out of the natural order of things are culled from it. Personality: The Conqueror King normally speaks with a noble and commanding tone, reminiscent of the ruler he once was. Winter's Heart is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Winter's Heart. If the creature attuned to the weapon has begun hearing the whispers of Zehir, breaking the curse will require a complex task or quest as determined by the GM. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw take half damage and are not knocked prone. This multihued shard of unidentifiable crystal seems to reflect a verdant forest rather than the expected surroundings, no matter it's physical location. For one minute the chakrams deal an additional 1d4 damage of the attuned creatures choice from the following types; fire, cold, thunder, lightning, or acid. Wondrous item, legendary. Bastion is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Bastion. This dagger deals an additional 2d4 necrotic damage on a hit. Finally this crown grants it's wearer immunity to disease and stops their aging, granting them agelessness. A thrown card magically reappears on the bottom of the card case. As an action, a creature attuned to the Tonfas can shoot a thick webbing out at an enemy within 30 feet of them. Each charge increases the damage die size for the bludgeoning and necrotic damage by one category; from 1d4 to 1d6 to 1d8 to 1d10 to 1d12 at four charges. Creatures of the wearers choice must make a DC 21 Dexterity saving throw or take 66(12d10) fire damage. A restrained creature can use their action to attempt a DC 14 Strength check to break free. Melding Fabric. Magic Weapon (dagger), Very Rare (requires attunement). This ominous looking bag is stitched out of human flesh and appears empty. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has advantage on Deception (CHA), Intimidation (CHA), and Persuasion (CHA) rolls made when interacting with dragon type creatures and knows the Draconic language. I hope to finally create a bundle of my items and release them in a deck of cards one day. When you roll a 20 to hit, you may make an additional attack. Additionally, when you roll a 20 on an attack roll with Void, roll an additional d20, if you roll a second 20, you lop off one of the target's limbs, with the effect of such loss determined by the DM. Battle Plate of the War Chief Key of mimicry Mask of the Doctor The Hard Hat The Idol of Zeroth The Lich Skull This vicious weapon seems to grow in might for each creature it slays, seeming to draw their very power into itself. When you throw the bola make a ranged attack roll, if you are proficient with the sling you are proficient with the bola. 2 includes the Shock Stick and Wand of Fire. When you deal damage to a non-undead and non-construct creature with an attack made with this weapon it gains one charge for every 10 points of damage dealt. The DC on the Blind effect on a critical strike increases to 18, and the additional radiant damage increases to 4d8. Finally, this weapon functions as a Decanter of Endless Water. Creatures that succeed on the saving throw are immune to the Cape's effect for 24 hours. The area covered by this cone becomes difficult terrain as it is destroyed and upturned. The weapons they wield, while seemingly simple, are nevertheless frightful to bear witness to. Each creature in the line must make a Dexterity saving throw (DC 16). This small statuette of a pig is made of clay. A creature takes 8d6 lightning damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. You gain these benefits while wearing the robe: This staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff that grants a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with it. close menu Language. D&D Ideas Rods, Staves and Wands. Studded Leather. Once wielded by a highly skilled assassin, these daggers have been enchanted to allow a combatant to dance around their opponents with ease, never staying in one location for more than a moment. While in dim light or darkness you can spend one hit die to heal yourself as a bonus action. If you use an action to speak the command word and throw the statuette to a point on the ground within 60 feet of you, it becomes a portly living hog. These simple looking dice were enchanted by a cleric ofless than honorable intentions. Crowns, rings, weapons, shields, and pieces of armor can all be made whenever a fell mood strikes a dwarf. Ointment applied to the face will produce a thick full beard. Immediately after you successfully hit a creature with a melee attack using the dagger, make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw. Oathbound. If you have the extra attack feature, make as many attacks as each action will allow. Blink - The double edged blade of this dagger seems to infrequently phase in and out of reality for brief moments. If using the sash would cause the spell to target a second creature, you choose the new target. These matching scimitars are composed of a bright clear water, retrieved from the Frigid Expanse region of the Elemental Plane of Water, contained within an intricate gold framework. Creatures that succeed the saving throw take half damage and are not restrained. Creatures other than the creature attuned to Winter's Heart take cold damage equal to the attuned creatures spell casting ability modifier (minimum of 1) at the start of their turn if they are in the area of frozen terrain. Wondrous item, very rare. Winter's Heart adds a +3 bonus to an attuned creatures spell attack modifier and a +1 bonus to an attuned creatures spell saving throw DC. This blade is the shattered remains of a legendary sword wielded by the Conqueror King in the Age of Expansion, now known as The Broken King after his decent into madness which shattered the unity of the realm. This greatclub has a +2 modifier to attack and damage rolls. In addition, you gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients Channel Divinity: Turn the Faithless can now affect undead. While attuned to this item your Strength and Wisdom scores are increased by 2, up to a maximum of 22. While within the light, creatures of your choice ignore any levels of exhaustion they have, if they are poisoned the condition is suppressed for the duration, and they gain temporary hit points equal to your Charisma modifier at the start of each of your turns. Glory is typically acquired when it is dormant and each additional state can be achieved through various means; be they physical acts, emotional acts, or philosophical acts, it need only be a heroic act to awaken the next state for Glory. These essences can be infused into The Devourer to grant it a portion of the power held by the slain entity. Please help work on the problem presented on the template. Explosive Blast: Chose a location within 150 ft. Long ago, during the era of calamity known as the planar war, a white greatwyrm was defeated by an archknight of Tiamat and a necromancer known as Anchilidon. This concentration can be broken if the blade is targeted by a Dispel Magic spell or similar effect. This wicked looking greataxe counts as a +3 Weapon. On a hit, the attack deals an extra 1d6 damage of the weapon's type, and you gain that same amount of temporary hit points which last until the end of your next turn. This sword was crafted by Count Rhazien Val Desmodon Sin Chordol, the master of one of the lesser Domains of Dread. Additionally a creature attuned to Authority is immune to the charmed and frightened condition. If more than two weeks pass without the weapon whetting its apetite against a powerful creature, it can attempt to dominate the creature attuned to it and drive them into a murderous rage. Any creature within the 15 ft. cone must make a Dexterity Saving Throw or take 2d8 bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone. In spite of herself, Holly felt a twinge of guilt every time she managed to take advantage of Oscar's hard work. The blade of this weapon is not composed of any identifiable material, but rather seems to be a void in reality itself, offering a view into a dark and starry expanse. However, this suit is actually a tame mimic. Venom holds up to three charges and regains any expended charges at the end of a long rest, the process of which replenishes whatever poison was contained within the vial. At 5th level, if the Dragonborn has the Multiattack feature, it can substitute one of its attacks for its breath weapon attack. One With the Trees. Additionally this item seems to have some unknown resonance with creatures native to the Feywild. While attuned to this weapon it has the finesse property and has a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls. While under this effect the wearer sheds bright light in a radius of 30 ft and dim light for an additional 30 ft. Magic Weapon (scimitar), very rare (requires attunement). All content marked accordingly is subject to the CC-BY-4. The area is lightly obscured by fog and hail and non magical open flames are extinguished. Curse. Wondrous Items Homebrew Items Items by Source Acquisitions Incorporated Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus Candlekeep Mysteries Curse of Strahd Critical Role: Call of the Netherdeep Divine Contention Dungeon Master's Guide Dragonlance: Shadow of the Dragon Queen Eberron: Rising from the Last War Explorer's Guide to Wildemount 4 Tome Of Leadership And Influence Very Rare, Dungeon Master's Guide pg. While wearing this suit of armor a creature has resistance to all damage except psychic, and the mimic takes the same amount of damage. Once per day this ring allows the wearer to cast a spell, up to spell level 2, with a casting time of Action as a Bonus Action. Additionally, creatures that hit you with melee attacks take 1d4 piercing damage. On a successful save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't pulled. A creature with legendary actions can't be turned to ash in this way. You get a few cantrips, including the beloved vicious mockery, as well as access to fear. Attempt a Charisma check against the dragon contested by it's own Charisma check, if you succeed the dragon's soul is absorbed by this weapon and it gains an additional 1d6 damage to its activated state, you add the dragons breath weapon damage type as an additional option for the activated state, and you gain resistance to the dragon's breath weapon damage type. When you cast one of the spells above using the blade, the blade maintains concentration for you. This wand comes in multiple variants; burning, chilling, chocking, dusting, muddy, and scalding. If you spend 1 action concentrating on the pouch, the pouch becomes attuned to your choice of these damage types for 1 minute. Oathkeeper has a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls and deals an additional 1d8 radiant damage on a hit. Additionally, rather than the standard 1d8 bludgeoning damage, this flail deals 1d4 bludgeoning and 1d4 necrotic damage. Once per long rest, when an attack from an enemy would reduce an ally to 0 HP, a creature attuned to this item may make a Dexterity Saving Throw with a DC equal to the initiative count of the attacking creature. Once per long rest, a character attuned to the lantern can use their action to call forth a swarm of rats to their aid. An Adult Black Dragon - Infusion of Acid: The Devourer deals an additional 1d6 acid damage per hit. This sword has an emerald dust filigreed dragon bone hilt and a blade of damascus burnished adanamatium, however the blade is broken, leaving only the first four inches of what was once a truly beautiful blade. Wondrous Item, very rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster). A matching set of bracers and a collar. If you score a critical hit with a kinetic bolt, the target is pushed thrice as far and knocked prone. I'm currently working on updating my series of Wondrous Items for Dungeons and Dragons 5E with the help of artist Alex Coadou and magic item master Daniel Moreira to bring some of the concept pieces to life. If the curse lasts for its full duration, it rebounds; you take 4d10 fire damage, which can't be reduced or prevented in any way. Once you've used this bathrobe to get the best rest you've ever had, you literally cannot sleep without it. This padded armor is a billowing assemblage of earth-colored cloth that seems to flow with the wind as if made of sand itself. Leather. Weapon (flail), Artifact (requires attunement). At 13th level, the Dragonborn breath weapon damage increases from d6's to d8's. As an action the wearer can sprout a set of glowing radiant wings, granting the wearer a flying speed equal to their movement speed. To increase the Save DC or To-Hit a number of ounces must be used equal to the desired increase times 2, for example; a +1 modifier will take 2 ounces, a +2 modifier will take 4 ounces, a +3 modifier will take 6 ounces, etc. Personality. Finally, while attuned to this dagger you know the Shape Water cantrip and can use the spell it to draw forth the blood still contained within the tooth and command it to take a form of any simple or martial weapon you are proficient with. Attacks with this glaive deal an additional 1d4 fire damage, and organic non-undead creatures killed with the glaive are cooked and readily consumable for 24 hours before spoiling. A creature attuned to Kyzzierth's Renown has true sight out to a range of 60 feet and dark vision out to a range of 120 feet. As an action the creature attuned to Rupture can expend a charge and make a single melee attack. Weapons (Chakram), Artifact (requires attunement by a paladin, both chakcram use only one attunement slot when attuned at the same time). Wikidot.com Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. The swarm arrives at the beginning of the wielders next turn at a location of their choice within 30 ft. and obeys all commands given to it by the wielder of the lantern. Once the magnifying glass crosses a word or phrase it was searching for, it issues an auditory noise every few seconds until it is inspected and shines a sliver of light onto the word or phrase "highlighting" it for the user. Weapon (greatclub), very rare (requires attunement). Weapon (darts), rare (requires attunement). View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Watch headings for an "edit" link when available. This odd weapon appears to be entirely impractical, however in the right hands and right situation it can be a devastating weapon. Thorns dig into your neck while you are attuned to this magical item, reducing your hit point maximum by 5. While attuned to this weapon, attacks made with it deal an additional 1d8 lightning damage. The area is difficult terrain for creatures other than you and creatures of your choice. 1. This pistol has multiple modifications, giving it an almost futuristic look. If there are loose objects or furniture nearby, the hog may knock them over in the mayhem. While attuned to these bracers, a creatures Dexterity increases by 2 up to a maximum of 24. They each deal 1d4 piercing damage plus 1d6 bonus damage of a random type, determined after each hit by rolling a d10 as follows: fire (1), cold (2), lightning (3), acid (4), poison (5), thunder (6), force (7), necrotic (8), or psychic (9). The wand regains 1 charge during a short rest or 1d4 charges during a long rest if you spend some of that time sweeping up dust or dirt with the wand. These bracers increase the attuned creatures Strength score by 2, up to a maximum of 24. The bag weighs nothing. On any other result, the next target hit by the weapon within the next minute takes an extra 1d10 lightning damage. Destroying The Devourer. A gemstone worth at least 5,000 gp can be added to the circlet over the course of 1 minute as it's magically drawn and fastened into place. While attuned to Blackfyre you have advantage on Deception(Charisma), Intimidation(Charisma), and Persuasion(Charisma) checks when interacting with dragon type creatures. Creatures who fail the saving throw take 3d6 fire and 3d6 thunder damage, creatures who succeed take half damage. This scimitar and its sheath are bound by a spiritual force that resonates with you when you attune to it. While attuned to Authority you can cast the Command, Calm Emotions, and Zone of Truth spells at will, each of which use a DC 18 saving throw. Creatures within 30 ft. of the point must make a DC 18 Constitution saving throw or take 10d8 radiant damage, be blinded for 1 minute, and be pulled up to 30 feet towards the point. Each set of Poppers are found in bags of 4d4+4. Once per long rest, a creature attuned to these bracers can cast Magic Weapon at its lowest level, requiring no concentration or components. On a hit, for each charge you spend, the target takes an additional 1d12 force damage and is pushed 5 feet away from you. As part of an attack, you can expend one charge to summon a special piece of ammunition from the following options: This massive greatsword is chiseled from an incredibly heavy piece of jagged stone. While attuned to Forests Fury, a paladin of the ancients can modify their Channel Divinity: Nature's Wrath to affect all creatures of the paladins choice within a 30 ft. radius originating from the paladin. Once per short rest, a creature attuned to this dagger can use their action to cast the Blink spell, requiring no components. Glory has three states; dormant, awakened, and ascended. The creature restrained by the bola can use their action to untangle themselves, however when they do so the weights on the bola explode, forcing every creature within 10 ft. to make a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw, the creature restrained by the bola automatically fails this saving throw. Blade, the blade is targeted by a Dispel magic spell or similar effect 1d8 bludgeoning damage and be prone. Per short rest, a paladin of the spells above using the blade maintains concentration for you its are. To Rupture can expend a charge and make a DC 12 Wisdom saving throw or take 2d8 bludgeoning,! A creatures Dexterity increases by 2 up to a maximum of 24, you literally can not sleep without.! They did not exist while attuned to this dagger deals an additional 2d4 damage! 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