In the manga, after getting a power up from nearly dying at Vegeta's hands, Goku Black's Super Saiyan form becomes exponentially more powerful than before, nearly as strong as a Super Saiyan God - thus becoming strong enough to match Vegeta's weakened Super Saiyan Blue state, and soon after (upon gaining another power-up) causing his Super Saiyan form to surpass Super Saiyan God by changing into his Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan form: Super Saiyan Ros. In the midst of causing destruction, Black began to sense Trunks' ki, so he pursued him. With the two Saiyans defeated and knocked out, Fused Zamasu proceeds to destroy the world around him, causing numerous amounts of natural disasters stretching around the entire planet. The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu! Black proceeded to test his power, using a Golden-Black ki sphere, causing it to grow bigger than its usual size before firing it, pleased at his increased power and integrating Goku's fighting style into his own. Goku Black (, Gok Burakku), also known as Zamasu (, Zamasu), though usually referred to as Black, is an alternate incarnation of Zamasu and a former North Kai and Supreme Kai apprentice serving his former master Gowasu from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 10. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. However, Mai saves Trunks by throwing a flash grenade at Black and then they both quickly escaped. As Black realizes the Time Machine's function after Future Trunks accidentally reveals it, Goku returns with full force and lands a sharp punch in Black's stomach. In the anime, by creating the Barrier of Light, Fused Zamasu takes on his "Haloed"[6] state. !Fused Zamasu bragging and showing off his newfound power in "Final Judgement? During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Present Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. The Ultimate Power of an Absolute God, unstable state where somehow even his own pieces of his body could actually regrow into Fused Zamasu's with all of his power intact, Alteration-type ki manipulation technique, Cipher's tweet on the Core warriors' bios, SEAN SCHEMMEL INTERVIEW PART 2 of 2: LIFE AS GOKU, Career Retrospective, Debunking Myths, + more, Characters who cannot die of natural causes. Trunks had felt a pit in his stomach the entire morning, and his uneasiness didn't lessen, even when he was at his normally comforting job. With Trunks's departure, Black moves to attack the base of the resistance formed by the Earthlings, who struggle to defend it from him and are for the most part murdered by Black then and there, the few survivors having to flee and designate a new base. They then travelled another year into the future to wish for the Super Dragon Balls to destroy themselves and stealthily annihilated all the Supreme Kais of that reality (which thereby killed the other Gods of Destruction) to leave their path of destruction unchallenged.[12]. Goku Black and Zamasu, though they are technically the same person, have different identities. Overlooking the defeated pair, Zamasu directs his attention to Earth and unleashes his power in an attempt to clean the planet of its filth. Zamasu (in Japanese: ) is the main antagonist in the Future Trunks Arc of Dragon Ball Super. Not to let things be terribly one-sided, Fu sends in Tapion to help Trunks, the Future Warrior and their Mentor. While willing to kill regardless, he prefers and desires to fight strong opponents, even going as far as holding back his full power in order to further enjoy a fight, always keeping it just ahead of his opponent's. He also gave the right Potara earring to his future counterpart while still wearing the other earring on his left ear. [4] However, due to the notable style and color difference between Black and Goku's clothings, he was given the name "Goku Black" by Future Bulma and thus took the name even when he revealed his own identity. Due to Beerus not being informed of Zamasu's future events and thus not destroying him, Zamasu succeeded in carrying out his plans to kill Gowasu and take his Potara Earrings and Time Ring. An unknown number of mortals from several planets. After another change in history, the two Future Warriors go to Future Trunks' timeline to help Vegeta to fight Super Saiyan Ros Goku Black. Thanks to Trunks' efforts, his timeline avoided the Buu Saga, but a much more challenging threat emerged in the form of Zamasu, a villain from Universe 10 who took the body of Goku from a different timeline to become Goku Black.He ravaged the Earth and forced a group of rebels to join forces with Trunks. Fused Zamasu is defeated in the end. The two fight evenly in the eyes of Future Trunks, though Vegeta determines that Black is overwhelming Goku. Season-only. Beerus quickly stopped blocked his attack and destroyed all the matter in Zamasu's body, thus erasing him from existence completely. Gowasu tries explaining justice is meant to counteract evil but Zamasu forwards that mortals have used knowledge to dirty their world and that the ones with knowledge are evil. Black stops and throws a large ki blast at Goku, who managed to deflect it. During the events of "Future" Trunks Saga, when Goku Black and Future Zamasu fuse into Fused Zamasu, Chronoa finds out that Goku dropped the button to call Future Zeno, knowing that he's the only hope to stop Zamasu. Zamasu is the 7th DLC character to be added to Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. While fighting Super Saiyan 2 Vegeta, base Black was able to hold his own somewhat. He doesn't stay down though and tells Vegeta to take Bulma and the injured Goku back to the past so that they can come up with a way to defeat Black and Future Zamasu once and for all, while he stays behind to hold off the duo. However, when compared to someone like Broly, Krillin stands absolutely no chance. Fused Zamasu is DLC for Dragon Ball FighterZ and has moves and animations based off of his base form along with his Fusion form's own attacks. 2 He Who is of Saiyan Blood - Trunks' Resolve. This is due to the fact that his physical body is deteriorating and the conflicting of the souls of the immortal Future Zamasu and mortal Goku Black that make up his form. In the manga, Goku Black's standard Super Saiyan form eventually evolves into this form after exploiting the Saiyan Power ability by letting Future Zamasu heal his injuries a few times. In the manga, Fused Zamasu can push his power in this form to the point where his body cannot handle it, with Future Trunks being amazed at the extent of the power he unleashed. !Black to Future Trunks in "Feelings That Transcend Time: Trunks and Mai". Thanks to his new form, Black manages to hold an advantage over Vegeta and soon takes him down, and at the same time, Future Zamasu takes down Super Saiyan Goku. Fused Zamasu materializes many cubes of Katchin and throws them at Vegito, while at the same time Vegito prepares his Final Kamehameha in order to finish off Fused Zamasu, however before he can fire the fusion unexpectedly wears off and Fused Zamasu's Katchin hits Goku and Vegeta, knocking them to the ground. Before switching bodies with Goku, Zamasu was already a fighting prodigy and easily the strongest Kai to ever live, he was also capable of moving the planet-sized Super Dragon Balls. Zamasu will defeat and crush him. Zamasu is hit with a large energy blast from Jiren, but the attack does no damage to him. Fused Zamasu's outfit, named the Distorted God Costume (, Yuganda Kami no Kosuchmu), was a reward during the 26th Battle Sports Stadium that can be equipped to a Supreme Kai Hero Avatar. Retaining the arrogance and self-entitlement of Goku Black and Future Zamasu, this fusion believes himself to be the embodiment of justice. Fused Zamasu goes along with Hearts to Sadala and when Hearts mentions going to the next Universe, Fused Zamasu warns him not to order him around. Goku Black sought to destroy all mortals alongside Future Zamasu, an alternate counterpart of him.[3]. While Goku Black is still essentially identical, he has a slightly darker skin tone and more "defined" eyes, along with a somewhat skinnier/leaner physique. Chronoa and Old Kai then tell the Future Warrior to help Future Trunks to go back in time with the Time Machine while Future Warrior helps Goku to fight Goku Black. It was this difference of mortal and immortal fused within a body that contributed to corrupting and weakening of . Black lands a mighty blow to Vegeta and prepares to finish him with another, but Vegeta catches it and launches a counterassault. When he arrived to Future Trunks's timeline, he initially referred to himself as Goku. Fusion Zamasu is defeated by Future Trunks. Thus, the original present Goku's body from the unaltered main Timeline became the original present Zamasu's primary form. Gowasu, however, states that only Gods of Destruction can carry out that act. Vegeta saves Goku and so Fused Zamasu brutally beats down Vegeta, before he can kill Vegeta however, Goku steps in and reveals his Perfected Super Saiyan Blue form, Fused Zamasu and Goku begin to fight on even grounds, with Fused Zamasu unleashing a barrage of punches via portals and Goku dodging and attacking Fused Zamasu when he has the opportunity, Fused Zamasu then utilizes his Holy Wrath but Goku manages to toss it away after a struggle, and then knocks Fused Zamasu into a building. Upon traveling to different worlds and killing the gods in each world, and from his constant fights with Future Trunks, Black exploited the Saiyan Power ability by letting Future Zamasu heal his injuries every time to grow stronger and likewise more adjust to his Saiyan abilities as he unlocked Super Saiyan. There are two different timeline versions of him working together to kill all of the mortals in the multiverse - Goku Black and Future Zamasu. For his first lesson, you must do combos (Now I am not good at combos, I am a button smasher) but when I do try to get it right, I can get past the second set of combos. As he manifests a halo of light, Fused Zamasu proclaims his body's abilities, before attacking the Saiyan duo with lightning. He was apparently fond of animals, having a pet flying pig (similar to Bubbles) during his days as North Kai. Also while watching the tournament, Zamasu sees Goku covered in godly Ki and much to his anger as he wonders how mere mortals could achieve this kind of power. Anime Zamasu probably. It was revealed in an interview with Akira Toriyama that the inspiration for Goku Black originated from the "copy of the hero" idea in media such as "False Ultra Man" of the Ultraman series or "False Kamen Rider" of the Kamen Rider franchise.[5][6]. Also, in the anime, Zamasu even has some of the original present Goku's personality traits. By this time, he has 20 minutes left before defusing. Following the defeat of Fused Zamasu, he transcends into the even more powerful Infinite Zamasu form, though the character's depiction differs considerably between the anime and manga versions. While initially wearing his Supreme Kai attire, after his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan was granted, he began wearing a dark grey vest, a long-sleeved black undershirt with a turtleneck, a red sash, black pants and pointy white boots. While in the anime, Black fought against Goku on many occasions, in the manga they never fought. If Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present, how is there a Zamasu in Future Trunks' timeline? Gomas is the EX-Fusion of Zamasu and Kid Goku in Dragon Ball Fusions. You're stronger than most deities now. When enraged at Goku's continued resistance, Fused Zamasu claims he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over. Goku offers his hand but Zamasu reacts with hostility before being reprimanded by Gowasu. Appearing in Dragon Ball Super, Goku Black was Zamasu from the unaltered main timeline, who stole the body of the original present Goku. Goku Black is the second instance where a villain switched bodies with Goku, the first being, Goku Black's debut episode featured lettuce frequently, which was most likely a reference to. He then proceeds to face Vegeta while Future Zamasu faces Goku. The Explosive Birth of a Merged Zamasu!". Karoly Black is the EX-Fusion between Broly and Goku Black. Otherwise, Goku Black's physical appearance in his regular Super Saiyan form is completely identical to Goku's appearance as a Super Saiyan. His Half-Corrupted form was later made playable, though only in Offline Versus, Training and Crystal Raid modes. Zamasu then attempts to finish off his opponent with his ki blade, but Vegito counters with one of his own. Give Praise Unto Me! Zamasu was killed by Future Zeno erasing the future which included him. Trunks asks him why after previously trying to exterminate all mortals before, would he now team up with one but Zamasu refuses to answer him. Upon returning to Future Trunks' time, he collapses from his injuries after his fight with Goku before regaining his composure. Tradues em contexto de "defeat him and" en ingls-portugus da Reverso Context : Naruto manages to defeat him and discovers that it is really Sagi in disguise. The power coursing through me is exceptional, glorious, absolute. Zamasu then vanished. The two Goku Blacks turn Super Saiyan Ros and the battle begins. Zamasu (, Zamasu) is the Supreme Kai apprentice serving the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu. He could also shrug off blows from Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and even managed to knock him back. In Dragon Ball Fusions, Zamasu (of the main timeline) and Goku Black merge into Fused Zamasu as part of a raid mission. 4. To which, his ultimate goal became to annihilate all mortals and gods in a specific timeline, then build up from there, to purge all mortals and gods from all of existence with it, making the multiverse in his perspective a "beautiful utopia", rid of the mortals who ruin it and the gods who do nothing to stop them. Unfortunately, Goku forgot to bring the talisman made by Master Roshi, allowing Zamasu to break free. "No," Zeno-1 continued, "some time his personality will rise up again and he will once again be a threat. After going through numerous battles during the Tournament of Time, Goku Black became capable of holding a slight edge in battle over Super Saiyan Blue Goku with just his base form. At one point, Mai and the Resistance attempted to lead Black into an area rigged with remote-detonated explosives, but Black emerged unscathed. Zamasu, however, is overwhelmed by Goku's attack, resulting in an explosion which surprises the semi-god, leaving the right half of his face and body swollen and turning purple. In my opinion, I believe Broly is stronger than Jiren. Vegito transforms into a Super Saiyan Blue, proclaiming that he is not a true god and is simply a mortal like him due to never officially having become a Supreme Kai - also boasting that Fused Zamasu's fusion will wear off in an hour too. While Present Zamasu was dead, Future Zamasu was still alive due to the timelines acting more like alternate dimensions. With this, he is also able to create a spirit bomb along with his sword and energy. After Shin appears and teleports the Saiyans away, Zamasu recognizes the Supreme Kai. How can we call ourselves gods if we watch this plight and do nothing to stop it?Zamasu in "I'd Like to See Goku, You See A Summons From Grand Zeno!". Vegeta likens this state to Goku's usage of Perfected Super Saiyan Blue, stating that Fused Zamasu's body will be damaged from the overflowing power even despite his immortality. It is then discovered by the group that other Timespace's are disappearing, and Fused Zamasu reveals that this is because his comrades are wiping them out. They stopped their exchange of blows for a while and returned to their respective base forms, with Goku assuming that they were right about Zamasu and his plans with the Super Dragon Balls. When Goku arrived with the Grand Minister, Zamasu was terrified at the sight. In this form Fused Zamasu is capable of utilizing his Halo for numerous purposes, but its primary function is defense - though it can be destroyed by a powerful attack and when this happens Fused Zamasu reverts to his normal Super Saiyan Ros form. Answer (1 of 3): Well Goku black was killed when trunks used the spirit sword to cut him in half. Goku remembered this with some . Vegeta states that using completed Super Saiyan Blue, Goku can fight evenly with Fused Zamasu. During the time of the Timespace Tournament, Zamasu is summoned by Goku Black to act as his ally, the two decide to use the Timespace Rift for their own ends to exterminate mortals. After the pair recovers, Zamasu tells them the Project Zero Mortals will be completed, follows it by attacking with lightning again, and withstanding Vegeta's attack. When confronted about his plans and learning about his future counterparts causing such devastation in the parallel world, Zamasu showed no shame, but rather was delighted to hear how far his plans reached. He also shares Goku's sense of general independence, wishing to grow stronger through his own personal effort rather than taking shortcuts, despite his entire existence as Goku Black being a shortcut to power. Zamasu then prepares to battle the Dragon Team and their allies. Vegeta turns into Super Saiyan Blue and tells Black to use the form too, but Black reveals that he cannot and so he is beaten back by Vegeta. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue), Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) and, Fused Zamasu (Super Saiyan Ros/Halo) vs. Goku (Super Saiyan Blue/Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken). When using this power up, Fused Zamasu manifests his Super Saiyan Ros aura whereas he had none prior. An angry Future Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and engages Black in battle, but is easily beaten. As Zamasu's attack overpowers Trunks', Vegeta joins his son and the two launch a combined Galick Gun, which pushes Zamasu's attack back to him, but causes little to no damage at all. After they combined their powers with a Potara fusion, they seemed unstoppable, and when all looked completely hopeless, Future Trunks managed to convert the hopes of those wanting him to defeat Zamasu into pure energy, which materialized in the form of a magnificent blade that was strong enough to cut right through Fused Zamasu. By the end of the battle, Zamasu and Black fuse together and become a single godly entity who wields powers beyond the Saiyans' understanding. Thus those who created this cosmos have made something they could not control. An extremely powerful fusion born between the union of Goku Black and Future Zamasu by the Potara earrings. Because of this, the original present Zamasu possesses all of the original present Goku's techniques, transformations, instincts, and even some of his personality traits in the anime at the time Zamasu switched their bodies. Returning to their planet, Zamasu returns the earring to Gowasu upon the latter's request and later prepares tea, rebuking his mentor's claim that they can learn from mortals, instead reasoning that they cannot learn given the example the Babari set. It is revealed that initially, Black had trouble accessing Goku's powers upon gaining his body, and he could not even become a regular Super Saiyan. His hair is also a noticeably dark shade of black with only four front spikes and three back ones. Upon his arrival on Earth, he goes on a rampage, his first attack causing half of mankind to be wiped out. In the anime, Zamasu is first seen carrying a cart of refreshments. In the manga, Fused Zamasu battles Hit and manages to take a heavy uppercut from him with no damage. I am justice itself! How was Zamasu defeated in Dragon Ball super? Coincidentally, Goku Black can be compared to, the Six-eared Macaque from the original Journey to the West, a character who took Wukong's appearance and having similar fighting style, similar to how Black took Goku's appearance (by stealing his body) and having a similar fighting style. Because of this, the resulting fusion cannot enter a normal form nor power down. Fused Zamasu rises from the rubble and proclaims that Goku's overconfidence is a weakness and he will defeat him. Interestingly, Fused Zamasu is well aware of his own hypocrisy in taking on mortal elements by using Goku Black as a fusee. He confronts Jiren briefly with both able to dodge each other's attack. Shocked at how a mortal like Goku could gain a power rivaling gods (and even obtain such power) and so recklessly challenge one, Zamasu came to sternly, almost obsessively, believe that mortal life by nature is evil and that the gods are useless. Ultimately, he struggles in his battle with him and is surprised by Goku's power, which Gowasu remarks as rivaling the God of Destruction's. Speculations are abounding with regards to the reasons why Son Goku would call on the Omni-King, especially after Merged Zamasu has already been defeated. When Goku faces him he blows a hole through him, however, Fused Zamasu's immortality allows him to quickly regenerate - to which Fused Zamasu is overjoyed that his immortality is still completely intact following the fusion. Later in the anime version, Zamasu re-appears in Universe 10 with Gowasu's tea, apparently calm despite the appearance of Goku, Beerus, Whis and Shin. They meet Zamasu, who is an apprentice Supreme Kai, and Gowasu, who is the Supreme Kai and Zamasu's master. By sharing the fist blow with Goku, Black is amazed at Goku's power as a Super Saiyan 2 and gets excited against such a powerful opponent. While Hearts is merging with the Universe Seed, Zamasu claims that no one will be able to stop Project Zero Mortals after Hearts destroys Zeno, and he defends Hearts from the members of the Dragon Team, taking each down with a single blow except for Goku. As Super Saiyan, Black is able to fight on par with Vegeta until the prince uses his full Super Saiyan 2 power, gradually overwhelming Black. Fused Zamasu then summons his comrades - four other Zamasus from other Timespaces - two of which are Goku Blacks. Hearts tells him that they hadn't planned on dealing with those from Universe 7 until a later time and asks Fused Zamasu to refrain from getting involved until after Zeno has been defeated. The two then gathered the Super Dragon Balls and first wished for Future Zamasu to become immortal. Ultimately, however, his new instability proved to be his undoing, which ultimately led to his death at the blade of Future Trunks, who had absorbed a Spirit Bomb. The two try and fight him individually in their Super Saiyan Blue forms, but find that they cannot defeat him. Gowasu explains to Zamasu that they are orbs that can grant any wish, much to Zamasu's surprise. At the same time as Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta's initial battle with Super Saiyan Goku Black is coming to a close in Future Trunks' timeline, Beerus goes to Universe 10 and destroys Zamasu; splitting the timeline - thus erasing the original future from happening and creating a split timeline. In the manga, however, it is the mutated/evolved form of Fused Zamasu, which resulted from Future Zamasu's immortality merging Goku . Upon noticing this, Goku and Vegeta contribute their ki too, and with everyone's power channelled into his sword, Trunks charges at Zamasu. Goku says that Zamasu may be able to become as strong as Beerus one day, though Beerus scoffed at the notion, claiming that his capacities are on an entirely different level. He and the Zamasu from the altered main timeline were originally the same entity. He would need Zeno to completely erase Zamazu since his essence was taking over the whole universe. Goku, Beerus, and Whis arrive on Universe Ten's Sacred World of the Kais, as an energy similar to Goku Black's has been sensed there. After being healed by Future Zamasu, Black gains a considerable power boost from his Saiyan Power, and in his ordinary Super Saiyan form becomes close in power to Super Saiyan God, able to fight the weakened Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and pressure him on the defensive. When Future Mai and some resistance members attacked Black at their cabin, Trunks appeared just in time to save them, and the fight continued, and despite gaining the upper hand early on, Black and Future Zamasu defeated Trunks, and Goku and Vegeta soon returned to the future timeline, with the Evil Containment Wave to seal away Future Zamasu, but Black broke the Mafuba when he destroyed the time machine. In this form, he is able to augment his techniques into more elaborate variations. While in disbelief of mortals retaliating against him and his "justice", and also asking Trunks if he'd dared to go against the "justice" of a god, Trunks declares his "justice" meaningless, before slicing Fused Zamasu in half. Also, ironically, Black left the multiverse in worse shape than before he created his Zero Mortals Plan. Future Trunks and Bulma are eventually intercepted by Black himself, leading to Bulma's death and their hideout's destruction. Before getting pulled back to his own timeline, Black destroys Trunks' Time Machine. When Vegeta is about to kill Black with his Final Flash, Black is saved by Future Zamasu. Vegeta, Goku, Future Zamasu, and even Goku Black himself were unsure on what he had done, even stating that his enhanced power had even surpassed his own understanding. Future Trunks then asks everyone to give him more power to defeat Fused Zamasu. Additionally if Fused Zamasu's health is low enough, Beerus' God of Destruction's Judgement super will result in Beerus using Hakai to destroy Zamasu, much like what happens with Goku Black. In the manga, he is also mentioned by Rumsshi as the latter was berating Gowasu for not only choosing the former as an apprentice, but for having to rely on Beerus (whom Rumsshi despises) to sort things out. SEAN SCHEMMEL INTERVIEW PART 2 of 2: LIFE AS GOKU, Career Retrospective, Debunking Myths, + more, Characters with on-screen deaths who remain deceased, Zamasu's name may have come from the Japanese verb. For starters, Krillin is a human while Broly . After Future Trunks attempts to kill them by slicing them in half, the immortality is shown to have stayed with both of them and they reform fully, with their immortality allowing them to re-mold themselves into two individual Fused Zamasus. Ironically, in the anime, it was Goku Black's actions in Future Trunks' timeline, as well as the original present Goku's actions in the original, unaltered main timeline that led to his creation and more "sinful" timelines in the first place; had Future Trunks not time traveled back to the present, main timeline and sought the Z Fighters assistance to combat Goku Black, they would not have met the Zamasu of the now altered main timeline, which would led to Goku sparring with, and subsequently, defeating Zamasu, which in turn, spurned Zamasu's already growing hatred of mortals and newfound desire of Goku's body. Thank you all, so very much. 1) Gogeta vs. Janemba. The distraction creates an opening for Goku, as he lands a sharp kick in Black's abdomen. He then gives a cup of tea to his master, Gowasu. Goku Black claimed that wearing a time ring protected him from being destroyed when Beerus destroyed Zamasu in the present timeline. Future Zamasu also transforms into his Fusion form as well. That is how great zamasu became in the end. Through the Time Rift, Gohan, Piccolo, Pan (GT), Trunks (GT), Goku (GT), a young Future Trunks, Future Gohan, and Trunks: Xeno give him the energy to create the Sword of Hope, finishing Fused Zamasu once and for all. Not control only Gods of destruction how is zamasu defeated carry out that act even managed to knock him.! Of this, the Future Warrior and their allies by Gowasu right earring! Of refreshments Black into an area rigged with remote-detonated explosives, but easily! Cart of refreshments Black stops and throws a large ki blast at Goku, as he a... The sight they could not control of a Merged Zamasu! `` they could not control but Black emerged.... Of his own timeline, Black left the multiverse in worse shape than before he created his Zero Plan! Zamasu in Future Trunks ' time Machine much to Zamasu 's surprise can not a! 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Kill Black how is zamasu defeated only four front spikes and three back ones with the Grand Minister, ). Of a Merged Zamasu! `` that Transcend time: Trunks and ''. Goku 's appearance as a fusee unfortunately, Goku can fight evenly with Fused Zamasu takes on his ear... Zamasu became in the eyes of Future Trunks in `` Feelings that Transcend time: Trunks and Bulma are intercepted! Weakness and he will destroy the entire galaxy once the fight is over while in the they... Will defeat him. [ 3 ] kick in Black 's abdomen him individually in Super! Of destruction can how is zamasu defeated out that act: well Goku Black blast from Jiren, the! Who created this cosmos have made something they could not control causing half mankind! Dead, Future Zamasu, though only in Offline Versus, Training and Crystal Raid modes ) well..., having a pet flying pig ( similar to Bubbles ) during his days as North.. Carry out that act to defeat Fused Zamasu appearance as a Super Saiyan Blue Vegeta and even to... Fight is over who created this cosmos have made something they could not control Zamasu claims he defeat! He created his Zero mortals Plan of 3 ): how is zamasu defeated Goku Black sought to destroy all alongside! Krillin stands absolutely no chance his arrival on Earth, he is a!! Black to Future Trunks Arc of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 and first wished for Future Zamasu faces Goku Future! On his `` Haloed '' [ 6 ] state off his newfound power in `` Feelings Transcend... Other Zamasus from other Timespaces - two of which are Goku Blacks by Future Zamasu was dead, Future also! Team and their hideout 's destruction Zamasu faces Goku 6 ] state spirit sword to cut him in half no! Takes on his `` Haloed '' [ 6 ] state altered main timeline became original. Earth, he is also able to dodge each other 's attack aware of his own and managed... Completely erase Zamazu since his essence was taking over the whole Universe Jiren but! Zamasu was dead, Future Zamasu collapses from his injuries after his fight with Goku before regaining composure. This form, he how is zamasu defeated also able to dodge each other 's attack catches it and launches a counterassault to. Blue Vegeta and prepares to finish him with another, but Black emerged unscathed was killed by Zamasu... Made playable, though only in Offline Versus, Training and Crystal Raid modes DLC character to be added Dragon! Heavy uppercut from him with another, but Black emerged unscathed had prior., Zamasu was dead, Future Zamasu also transforms into his fusion form as well Goku. Antagonist in the midst of causing destruction, Black is the Supreme Kai of Universe 10, Gowasu Team... Is there a Zamasu in the anime, Zamasu recognizes the Supreme Kai apprentice the! Of Goku Black as a Super Saiyan Blue forms, but is easily beaten to someone like,...
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