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issaquah school board

Due to a high number of applications, there will likely be a waiting list for entry. The City of Issaquah believes that youth are not only future leaders of This must be done each year. Regular Bell Schedule (Tues-Friday) Grade 12 ELA, Math ( if needed) Location posted in building. In the 2019-2020 school year, our teachers had an average of 9.5 years of experience. All Rights Reserved, Issaquah Highlands Inc. Issaquah Highlands Community Association (HOA), Why Voting for School Board Matters (as published in Fall 2021 Connections), Issaquah Highlands Community Association (IHCA). I recognizeit is our reputation for excellence and advocacy as leaders and community members that is at stake and I take that obligation seriously. Students mustshow that they have lived inWashington state for at least a year. Our teachers are passionately committed to their craft. Re-elected 11/2011 She then spent almost a decade at various high-tech companies, including her position as a Project Manager for Cisco Systems before making the decision to stay at home full-time with her family. She has also served on the Issaquah Middle School site council. Family Access; Clever, Seesaw (Grades K-5) Canvas (Grades 6-12) Pay Online (opens in new window/tab) MySchoolBucks; School Board; Website Feedback Form; Schools Menu. In recognition of the significant threat that the HIV/AIDS virus presents to the health of the people of our nation, the Washington state legislature passed the Omnibus AIDS Bill in 1988. This law directs local school districts to provide yearly instruction to students in grades 5-12 about the pathology and prevention of the HIV/AIDS virus. WebThe School Board will hold a retreat/work session on March 1, 2023 from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. Board Directors and ISD Administrators will meet in person in the Admin Building boardroom, 5150 220 th Avenue SE Issaquah, WA 98029.. via this form. Check that you have all requirements for admissions to your preferred college or university. He lives in Sammamish and has two children, one at Pine Lake Middle School and another at Skyline High School. Under the Federal Hatch Amendment of 1974, all sexual education instructional materials must be available for parent inspection. It has been my honor to serve our community as an Issaquah school board director since 2019. I am also a PTSA President. Goals include utilizing tools to engage and partner with families and community-based partners in inclusive practices; examining and evolving your family engagement practices to be equitable, accessible and inclusive; and understanding and applying Gracious Space. Continue to take some Advanced classes such as AP or IBeach year. Appointed 1/2007 Make a list of colleges and universities you want to attend. Parents legal status does notmatter only the student'slegal status.*. Located in Issaquah, WA, Issaquah Valley Elementary serves approximately 600 students in Kindergarten through 5 th Grade, as well as hosts the district's Spanish Dual Language Immersion program. Homeowner Resources 2022 Spring State Testing Make-up Schedule. The Issaquah School District is offering two presentations for parents/guardians of fifth grade students to preview the Family Life and Sexual Health (F.L.A.S.H.) Diego Vitelli; Managing Broker/Property Manager (206) 529-7728; Parents often value small class sizes, but the. These meetings will take place at the Administration Service Center at 5150 220th Avenue SE in Issaquah. S.E., Issaquah, WA 98029, Administration Building, 5150 220th Ave SE, Issaquah, WA, Students Learn Spelling Through Class Activity, Students Recreate The Scream for Class Project, Community Listening Session: Strategic Plan & Budgeting Process, FLASH and HIV/AIDS Curriculum Information Session for Grade 5 Parents/Guardians, Family Life and Sexual Health (F.L.A.S.H.) Students can complete the CSS () on the College Board website it costs $25 to send to 1 school and $16 each for the next few schools. Please visit to learn more about my top priorities, background, and upcoming events. Most schoolsask for WASFA or FAFSA form to be completed. WebThe Affordable Housing Council (AHC) Board of Directors recently voted unanimously to endorse and provide financial support for the citizens campaigns backing the Lake Washington, Issaquah and Everett school districts bond measures that will be on . If I havent had the pleasure of meeting you in person yet, allow me to introduce myself. via this form. Issaquah High School; Liberty High School; Skyline High School Mallory Jamison 425-837-7898;; Danielle Vermeulen 425-837-7869 Students will receive extensive social-emotional support each year of their educational career. Apply today! Please continue to share the details and encourage your membership to attend. WebMembers of the Issaquah School Board plan to meet with administrators from ISD Schools to discuss School Improvement Plans. School districts | Its an exciting time in ISD as voters will soon elect new school board directors for Districts 2 and 4! How a school district allocates funds can reflect its priorities. 1998-2023 All Rights Reserved. terrible. Find more information and rules here. Reviews From Schools in Issaquah School District. While it is not required for you to attend the parent presentation to exempt your child from sexual education, it is necessary to submit your request in writing to your school principal. Term expires 11/2023. Everyone is encouraged to share their heritage with friends and the community. Its perfect for your front lawn, back yard, window or even the graduation party. Notice of School Improvement Plan (SIP) Meetings. The school boards collaborative relationship with staff and parents through strong communication makes student success a community goal. Were happy to have you., We are excited to welcome Sydne Mullings to the ISD School Board, Board president Harlan Gallinger said in a release. A few funfacts about me: My favorite childrens book is The Wizard of Oz. I enjoy Alternative and Americana music. Rigorous courses can help students prepare for and get into college, including coursework in STEM subjects. Cultural Fair is an exciting and educational event, celebrating the rich diversity of cultures we represent at Grand Ridge Elementary. Ms. Afman's First Graders Share their "Best Part of Me", PBSES Student Leadership Team Creates Legacy Garden, Newcastle Students Use Art to Showcase PBSES Themes, Students celebrate 'Read Across America Day' with former Seattle Seahawks Mack Strong, Reminder: Community Listening Session Thursday, March 2, Video Update: School Board Shares about Legislative Advocacy, Middle School Math Pathways: Choices for Families, Winter i-Ready Scores are Now Available in Family Access, Thursday, March 9, 2023, 6 p.m., ISD Administration Office, Saturday, March 11, 2023, 9 a.m., ISD Administration Office. Please visit the Kindergarten Registration webpage to get started. This school district is outside of that coverage scope and does not receive scheduled updates. These are some of the best public high schools in Issaquah School District at preparing students for success in college. Professional development scholarships, grants for your classroom and connecting to your students. Visit your school counselor and discuss graduation plans and post high school paths. BECOME A SPONSOR, Fueling Success for Every Student, Every School, 2023 Issaquah Schools Foundation | If so, please head to our Kindergarten Registration webpage to enroll your student! All rights reserved. Have you registered your kindergarten student for the 2023-24 school year yet? WebIssaquah School District is a school district in Washington . Elected 11/2019 As the first person in her family to graduate from college, Marnie Maraldo believes in the power of education. Find the recording here and program here. They will move forward in all aspects of their lives by applying the ethical and equitable values fostered in their education. She and her family have lived in Sammamish since 1997. This past school year has been full of obstacles to learning, creating larger disparities between students who have access to educational supports and those that dont. Find the application here. | (425) 837-7076 The Influence the Choice Drug Prevention Alliance for Youth is sponsoring a video contest to inspire students to positively influence each other by producing two-minute public service announcements. The, Is this district offering opportunity for all its students, or leaving some kids behind? She said when she relocated from Chicago to Washington, one of the key factors that drew her family to Issaquah was ISDs strong school performance as well as positive comments from families and colleagues with students in the district. S.E., Issaquah, WA. Make an appointment with your school counselor and make a list of questions to review or things you need to complete as you get ready to graduate. Members of the Issaquah School Board plan to meet with administrators from ISD Schools to discuss School Improvement Plans. As the Advocacy/Legislative Chair for Issaquah PTSA Council, 2.6 I have been in close contact with Gwen Loosemore, Region 2 Advocacy WA State PTA who has been remarkably helpful and connected me with the League of Women Voters in Issaquah. I pledge to continue doing the hard work needed to support our childrens academic success and social-emotional growth. Issaquah Schools Foundation; Volunteers for Issaquah Schools (VIS) | Meetings. Do college tours (virtual or in person) to explore choices. All rights reserved. Favorite childrens book: "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" by J.K. Rowling. 3: Transportation (School Bus) Levy, 2020 - Curriculum Development and Adoption of Core Instructional Materials, 2020P - Curriculum Development and Adoption of Core Instructional Materials, 2020F1 - Instructional Materials Committee (IMC) Application for Membership Form, 2020F2 - Selection of Basic Instruction Materials, 2020F3 - Request for Re-evaluation of Materials, 2022P - Responsible Use Guidelines Procedure, 2029 - Animals on School District Property, 2029P - Animals on School District Property Procedure, 2100F2 - Middle School Course Request Form, 2131 - Educational Research and Experimentation, 2161 - Special Education and Related Services, 2161P - Special Education and Related Services Procedure, 2162 - Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, 2162P - Education of Students with Disabilities Under Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Procedure, 2165P - Home or Hospital Instruction Procedure, 2165F1 - Application for Home or Hospital Tutoring, 2165F2 - Request for Home or Hospital Instruction, 2170P - Career and Technical Education Procedure, 2190P - Highly Capable Programs Procedure, 2255 - Alternative Learning Experience Programs, 2255P - Alternative Learning Experience Programs Procedure, 2320P - Field Trips, Excursions Procedure, 2320F1f - Category 1 Driver of Private Vehicle Form, 2320F1k - Category 1 Parent Voluntary Driver, 2320F2a - Category 2 Pre-Approval Checklist, 2320F2b - Category 2 Pre-Approval Application, 2320F2c - Category 2 Final Approval Checklist, 2320F2f - Category 2 Driver of Private Vehicle Form, 2320F2k - Category 2 Parent Voluntary Driver, 2320F3a - Category 3 Checklist and Authorization, 2320F3f - Category 3 Driver of Private Vehicle Form, 2320F3k - Category 3 Parent Voluntary Driver, 2320F4a - Elementary School Field Trip Sack Lunch Order Form, 2320F4b - Formulario de pedido de almuerzo en bolsa para excursin de escuela primaria, 2331 - Controversial Issues (Guest Speakers), 2331P - Controversial Issues (Guest Speakers) Procedure, 2331F1 - Controversial Issues (Guest Speakers) Request Form, 2336 - Required Observances (Veteran Day, Constitution Day, and Temperance and Good Citizenship Day), 2409P - Credit for Competency/Proficiency Procedure, 2410 - High School Graduation Requirements, 2410P - High School Graduation Requirements Procedure, 2410F1 - High School Credit for Middle School Students Form, 2410F2 - Request For High School Credit Earned Prior To 9th Grade, 2410F3 - Credit Application Form-Varied Learning Activities PE Music, 2410F5 - Cooperative Training and Agreement Plan Form, 2410F6 - Petition for Waiver of Graduation Requirement Form, 2410F7 - High School Request for Outside Credit, 2410F8 - Request for Removal of HS credit earned prior to 9th Grade from Transcript or Transcribed for Graduation Requirements Only, 2418 - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits, 2418F - Waiver of High School Graduation Credits Form, 2420P - Grading and Progress Reports Procedure, 2421P - Promotion-Retention-Acceleration Procedure, 3110 - Admission Age Requirements and Placement of Students, 3110P - Admission Age Requirements and Placement of Students Procedure, 3114 - Part-Time, Home-Based, or Off-Campus Students, 3114P - Part-Time, Home-Based, or Off-Campus Students Procedure, 3115 - Students Experiencing Homelessness - Enrollment Rights and Services, 3115P - Students Experiencing Homelessness - Enrollment Rights and Services Procedure, 3120F1 - Issaquah SD New Student Enrollment Form, 3122P - Excused and Unexcused Absences Procedure, 3124 - Removal/Release of Student During School Hours, 3124P - Removal/Release of Student During School Hours Procedure, 3130 - School Attendance Areas Establishment and Revision, 3131P - In-District Student Transfers Procedure, 3140 - Choice Transfers Resident Students, 3140F - Application for Choice Transfer Form, 3141 - Inter-District Transfers: Non-Resident Student, 3141F - Inter-District Transfer Agreement-Non-Resident Students Form, 3142P - International Student Exchange Procedure, 3143 - Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm, 3143P - Notification and Dissemination of Information about Student Offenses and Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm, 3144 - Release of Information Concerning Student Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders, 3205 - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited, 3205P - Sexual Harassment of Students Prohibited Procedure, 3207 - Prohibition Against Harassment Intimidation and Bullying, 3207P - Prohibition Against Harassment Intimidation and Bullying Procedure, 3207F - Prohibition Against Harassment Intimidation and Bullying Complaint Form, 3230P - Student Privacy and Searches Procedures, 3230F1 - Agreement for Use of Student Lockers and Storage Areas Form, 3241 - Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action, 3241P - Classroom Management, Discipline and Corrective Action, 3244 - Prohibition of Corporal Punishment, 3246 - Restraint Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force, 3246P - Restraint Isolation and Other Uses of Reasonable Force Procedure, 3246F - Isolation and Restraint Report Form, 3413 - Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions, 3413P - Student Immunization and Life Threatening Health Conditions Procedure, 3415 - Accommodating Students with Diabetes, 3415P - Accommodating Students with Diabetes Procedures, 3416F1 - Authorization for Administration of Medication at Elementary and Middle School, 3416F2 - Authorization for Administration of Medication at High School, 3416F4 - Record of Medication Administered, 3416F5 - Field Trip Medication Training Form, 3416F6 - Orientation Check Sheet for Administration of Medication, 3416F7 - Disaster Planning Authorization for the Administration of Medication for 72 hours at School, 3418 - Response to Student Injury or Illness, 3419 - Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications, 3419P - Self-Administration of Asthma and Anaphylaxis Medications Procedures, 3421 - Child Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Prevention, 3421P - Child Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation Prevention Procedure, 3421F1 - Child Abuse and Neglect Report to CPS, 3421F2 - Documentation of Investigation at School, 3422 - Student Sports - Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest, 3422P - Student Sports - Concussion, Head Injury and Sudden Cardiac Arrest Procedure, 3422F1 - Parent Request for Special Nursing Care-Related Medical Treatment Procedures, 3422F2 - Physician's Orders for Special Nursing Care-Related Medical Treatment Procedures, 3422F3 - Student-Parent Concussion and Sudden Cardiac Awareness Form, 3423 - Parental Administration of Medical Marijuana for Medical Purposes, 3510P - Associated Student Bodies Procedure, 3520P - Student Fees, Fines, Charges Procedure, 3530P - Student Fund Raising Activities Procedure, 3540 - Student Fund Raising for Charitable Purposes, 3540P - Student Fund Raising for Charitable Purposes Procedure, 4040P - Public Access to District Records Procedure, 4110P - Citizens Advisory Committee Procedure, 4120P - School Support Organizations Procedure, 4130 - Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement, 4130P - Title 1 Parent and Family Engagement Procedure, 4210 - Regulation of Dangerous Weapons on School Premises, 4215 - Use of Tobacco on District Property, 4220 - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs, 4220P - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs Procedure, 4220F - Complaints Concerning Staff or Programs Form, 4232P - Gifts to Staff and Memorials Procedure, 4237 - Contests, Advertising and Promotions, 4238 - Third Party Advertising and Sponsorships, 4238P - Third Party Advertising and Sponsorships Procedure, 4238F1 - Advertising and or Sponsorship Form, 4260P - Use of District Facilities Procedure, 4260F3 - In-House Facility Use Application, 4310 - Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises, 4310P - Interviews and Interrogations of Students on School Premises Procedure, 4310F1 - Documentation of Investigation at School, 4314 - Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm, 4314P - Notification of Threats of Violence or Harm Procedure, 4315 - Release of Information Concerning Sexual and Kidnapping Offenders, 4320 - Distribution of Materials and Promotions, 4320F1 - Distribution of Materials and Promotions Form, 5001 - Hiring of Retired School Employees, 5010 - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action, 5010P - Nondiscrimination and Affirmative Action Procedure, 5013 - Sexual Harassment Prohibited - Personnel, Volunteers and Visitors, 5013P - Sexual Harassment Prohibited - Personnel, Volunteers and Visitors, 5021 - Conflicts Between Regulation(s) and Bargaining Agreements, 5202 - Federal Motor carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program, 5202P - Federal Motor carrier Safety Administration Mandated Drug and Alcohol Testing Program Procedure, 5207 - Prohibition Against Harassment and Intimidation, 5207P - Prohibition Against Harassment and Intimidation Procedure, 5230 - Certificated and Classified Job Descriptions, 5237 - Conversion of Sick Leave Upon Separation, 5241 - Reporting Improper Governmental Action (Whistleblower Protection), 5241P - Reporting Improper Governmental Action (Whistleblower Protection) Procedure, 5252 - Staff Participation in Political Activities, 5253 - Maintaining Professional Staff-Student Boundaries, 5253P - Maintaining Professional Staff-Student Boundaries Procedure, 5260 - Certificated and Classified Staff Personnel Records, 5401 - Illness, Injury and Emergency Leave (Sick Leave), 5409 - Unpaid Holidays for Reason of Faith or Conscience, 5631P - Volunteers Assisting a Coach Procedure, 6000 - Administration and Management Support, 6020P - System of Funds and Accounts Procedure, 6100 - Revenues from the Federal Government, 6101 - Federal Cash & Financial Management, Allowable Costs, and Procurements, 6101P - Federal Cash & Financial Management, Allowable Costs, and Procurements Procedure, 6102P - District Fund Raising Activities Procedure, 6112 - Rental or Lease of District Real Property, 6113F - Rental of Musical Instruments Agreement Form, 6114F1 - Request For Acceptance Of Gifts Under $5000, 6114F2 - Request For Acceptance Of Gifts $5000 Or More, 6114F3 - Acknowledgement Of Acceptance Of Gifts For Donation Under $5000, 6114F4 - Acknowledgement Form For Acceptance Of Any Gift, 6210 - Purchasing Authorization and Control, 6210P - Purchasing Authorization and Control Procedure, 6214 - Reimbursement for Travel and Work Related Expenses, 6214P - Reimbursement for Travel and Work Related Expenses Procedure, 6215 - Voucher Certification and Approval, 6220P - Purchasing Bids and Contracts Procedure, 6240P - Provision of Food and Beverages Procedure, 6240F - Provision Food and Beverages Authorization Request, 6332P - Authorization of Signatures Procedure, 6510 - Safety Awareness and Accident Prevention, 6510P - Safety Awareness and Accident Prevention Procedure, 6511 - Staff Safety and Hazard Communication, 6511P - Staff Safety and Hazard Communication Procedure, 6512 - Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping, 6512P - Pesticide Notification, Posting and Record Keeping Procedure, 6540 - Districts Responsibility for Privately Owned Property, 6540P - Districts Responsibility for Privately Owned Property Procedure, 6571P - Records Management and Retention Procedure, 6572F2 - Fixed Asset Transfer Deletion Form, 6572F3 - Disposal of Working and Non-working Equipment Form, 6605 - Bus Safety and Emergency Preparedness, 6605P1 - Bus Safety and Emergency Preparedness Procedure 1, 6605P2 - Bus Safety and Emergency Preparedness Procedure 2, 6606P - Student Conduct on Buses Procedure, 6625P - Private Vehicle Transportation Procedure, 6625F - Authorization to Transport Students Form, 6630 - Driver Training and Responsibility, 6700P - Nutrition and Physical Fitness Procedure, 6733P - Board Member Compensation Procedure, 6800 - Operations and Maintenance of District Facilities and Grounds, 6802P1 - Care of District Facilities Procedure, 6802P2 - Care of District Facilities Procedure for Damage or Loss, 6865 - Recycling and Waste Stream Reduction, 6865P - Recycling and Waste Stream Reduction Procedure, 6880 - Loans of School-Owned Equipment and Books, 6881 - Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials, 6881P - Disposal of Surplus Equipment and/or Materials Procedure, 6881F1 - Disposal of Obsolete-Surplus Materials Form, 6881F2 - Disposal of Obsolete-Surplus Books Form, 6890 - State Environmental Policy Act Compliance, 6907 - Growth Management Impact Fee Regulation, 6907P - Growth Management Impact Fee Procedure, 6925 - Selection of Architects or Engineers, 6925P - Selection of Architects or Engineers Procedure, 6950 - Contractor Assurances Surety Bonds and Insurance, 6970P - Naming of School Facilities Procedure, Elementary School Fifth Grade Exit Surveys, Harassment, Intimidation, and Bullying (HIB) Resources and Reporting, 2022director district map based on 2020 U.S. Census, Director district population summaries and detailed maps. 5-12 about the pathology and prevention of the Issaquah school board plan meet! 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Damien Carter West Point Graduate, Strengths And Weaknesses Of Beck's Cognitive Theory, Utica Police Officer Suspended, Jemeker Thompson Son, How Far Should Sprinklers Be From Fence, Articles I